Lessons with Monica Paz in New Jersey Sign up now
Monica Paz, our amazing teacher and friend from Buenos Aires, will be available for limited private lessons in New Jersey from Thursday, April 18th through Wednesday, April 24th. A few open spots still remain. She will visit us at our Firehouse Milonga on Thursday, April 18 and perform her
wonderful milonguero style tango. Additionally, she will teach at Los Pitucos Milonga in Oakland on Saturday, April 21st.
Please call me at 201-826-6602 or e mail firehousetango@gmail.com to reserve time for lessons in New Jersey. Her schedule is filling up, so make your reservation soon. I will be happy to answer any questions that you might have.
She will also be giving private and group lessons in New York City.
For New York registration, please contact Monica at: tangopaz@yahoo.com.ar
About Monica
Monica Paz was born and raised in Buenos Aires, and tango has been her full time profession for almost 20 years. She specializes in Tango Milonguero style (with its strong chest-to-chest connection) which she loves to dance with the best old milongueros in the best milongas of Buenos Aires.
Seven years ago, Monica realized her dream of opening her own studio in Buenos Aires (at 30 Riobamba near the Congresso.) If you are in Buenos Aires, I highly recommend checking it out.
Monica has taught extensively all over the United States and Europe, as well as in Australia and much of South America. She is currently on a tango tour of the United States.
Monica's web site with interviews of old milongueros
Monica is passionate about preserving the traditions, codes, and history of tango. To this end, she continues pursuing her project of interviewing the precious few remaining old milongueros of Buenos Aires. Their stories and the videos accompanying them, as well as other wonderful
videos of Monica can be found on her web site at www.mptango.com Scroll down for English or Spanish selection.