Dear Friends:
Our longtime friend and organizer, Sue Dallon, has announced that our Thursday night Firehouse Tango will transition under new management but with a familiar face. I have agreed to manage and hostess what we will rename the new "Firehouse Tango - Milonga II", effective in July.
I will organize an exciting team of instructors and DJs offering variety, diversity, and a menu of flavors that will appeal to all levels of millongeros and milongueras. We will all enjoy a wonderful mix of the familiar with the new and partake in Tango - Milonga fellowship among current and new friends.
I'd like to take this moment to convey a heartfelt thanks and expression of appreciation to my good friend Sue Dallon for her continuing support in making this a seamless transition. I'd like to thank Fran Chesleigh for his untiring dedication and assure him our doors are always open to everyone.
I also thank all of you for your support, friendship and wonderful participation which will continue to make our new "Firehouse - Tango Milonga II" a welcoming, friendly, inclusive haven to all of the Milonga community.
Keep watching this space for announcements.
Sincerely yours,