My Dearest Firehouse Friends:
Your outpouring of love and concern for me after Terri's message (included below) touched me to the core. I am absolutely fine. However, after a great fifteen-year run, it's time to let someone else with new and exciting ideas take the helm.
Please be assured that I'm not leaving Firehouse Tango. My vacations might be longer and more frequent, but Thursdays at home will always find me at Firehouse, and I'm very happy to DJ when asked.
I'm still the head honcho till the end of June. Fran Chesleigh and Pat Altman, our beloved, talented, loyal, long-time tango instructors, chose not to participate in the transition. Therefore, Walter Monteblanco will teach on Thursdays, June 13th and 20th, and Karina Romero will do June 27th. Terri will announce future schedules.
I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow night.
With Much Love,
Sue Dallon
Message From Terri Lopez
Dear Friends.
Our longtime friend and organizer, Sue Dallon, has announced that our Thursday night Firehouse Tango will transition under new management but with a familiar face. I have agreed to manage and hostess what we will rename the new "Firehouse Tango - Milonga II", effective in July.
I will organize an exciting team of instructors and DJs offering variety, diversity, and a menu of flavors that will appeal to all levels of millongeros and milongueras. We will all enjoy a wonderful mix of the familiar with the new and partake in Tango - Milonga fellowship among current and new friends.
I'd like to take this moment to convey a heartfelt thanks and expression of appreciation to my good friend Sue Dallon for her continuing support in making this a seamless transition. I'd like to thank Fran Chesleigh for his untiring dedication and assure him our doors are always open to everyone.
I also thank all of you for your support, friendship and wonderful participation which will continue to make our new "Firehouse - Tango Milonga II" a welcoming, friendly, inclusive haven to all of the Milonga community.
Keep watching this space for announcements.
Sincerely yours,