* Guest DJ "Cool Carlos" Sampelayo was a refreshing pleasure. This time he brought in some nuevo, latin and smooth blues. The place was jumpin. That is what makes him so "cool".
*Watching you all glide on wisps of musical notes while in each others embrace is magic. Our dance floor transforms into a sea of living musicality.
* Our guest instructors: Karena Romero and Jorge Carmona continue to inspire us with their technique that moves first-timers to yearn for the art of the dance.
It is the light touch that inspires confidence to overcome the initial fear normal to first-timers who felt intimidated by tango.
This subtle approach, made you Tango daring, filled you with Tango courage, to boldly step up and begin your Tango journey, with us. Elegantly done.
Our Brand is Building:
Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II represents impeccable courtesy as the mark of a well seasoned Tanguero/Tanguera.
We are the topic of positive conversation in the Tango circuit. Well earned compliments about you all indicate we are building up our brand. Keep it up.
New Stuff:
Watch out for my next monthly message: "Terri's Tango Tutor" under separate email. It is meant to be a good conversation starter, to share opinions and trivia, some history, some fun, some videos, to increase our knowledge and provide topics for chit-chat.
**Check out our new website to view your photos and videos to share and enjoy with your friends and family.
[*thank you, thank you, thank you, Jake, Sharon, and Tibor for their tech support.]
Nice job by "Club Tango". Lovely photo gallery and interviews. Check them out on our Facebook page.
Give them a like on Facebook.
Our26th Kick-Off debut event is Next Thursday, January 9th, 2020! Let's continue with the New Year, bringing good cheers, happy faces, hugs, and dancing,dancing, dancing.
**ATTENTION: Our Admission price is $20.00
Guest of members: $10.00 Your cooperation and support is deeply appreciated.
Hint: Take advantage of VENMO*. This allows you to pay any time or day of the week and walk on through after you alert Tibor. Give it a try.
Our guest Instructor: Karina Romero and Jorge Carmona.
Our guest DJ will be "AL Ko"
FYI: Exclusively for our Firehouse Tango-Milonga II participants, Karina will continue to provide private lessons. Call for an appointment: 1 646 342-9910
*Introducing: Pay by "Venmo" @terri-lopez-0 Download the Venmo app. to your mobile phone or if you already have it, use it to pay before you leave the house, or from the car, or a day before, or week before, then ease past the line. Running late for the lesson? Venmo Tango! We make Tango easy. This is really convenient. Try it. It is really working
for a lot of you.
Look us up on Yelp and please feel free to leave a review and comment for other Milongueros/Milongueras looking to find us.