* Guest DJ" "Cool Carlos" Sampaleyo was artful. Each song melds the music to the dancers on the floor seamlessly. We all enjoyed the Golden Age of Tango music selections. Back to what it sounded like at the beginning makes it timeless, classic, and inspiring. Every tanda should feel unique.
* Our guest instructors: Karina Romero and Jorge Carmona enchant, beguile, inspire, and instruct our steps but draw out each unique style that is yours alone. This is what Tango
is about. I'll keep setting up more for you. Only 29 sessions later and you all look fabulous.
Our Brand is Building
Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II is known for well seasoned Tanguero/Tangueras with impeccable courtesy and respect for the art of Tango. We have made our mark. We shall continue.
New Stuff:
"Terri's Tango Tutor" #3 is under construction. I hope you all will enjoy it with as much fun I have in making it. It is meant to be a good conversation starter, to share opinions and trivia, some history, some fun, some videos, to increase our knowledge and provide topics for chit-chat.
**Check out our new website to view your photos and videos to share and enjoy with your friends and family.
Our big time 30th Kick-Off debut event is Next Thursday, February 6th, 2020! Well, here we are.. 30 Terri's Firehouse Tango - Milongas. Can you believe it? We are having so much fun.
**ATTENTION: Our Admission price is $20.00
Guest of members: $10.00 Your cooperation and support is deeply appreciated.
Hint: Take advantage of VENMO*. This allows you to pay any time or day of the week and walk on through after you alert Tibor. Give it a try.
Our guest Instructors: The enchanting and "Tangolicious" Duo Karina Romero and Jorge Carmona.
Our guest DJ will be "Smooth Sue Dee" spinning her wonderful selections and heart racing sounds that capture the evasive and lure the most elusive onto our dance floor.
*The reason why I try to bring you a variety of music maestro DJs each week is to train your ears to lead your feet. To match your steps to the music, you have to listen to it first."
FYI: Exclusively for our Firehouse Tango-Milonga II participants, Karina will continue to provide private lessons. Call for an appointment: 1 646 342-9910
FEBRUARY 13, 2020...Karena is offering Private Lessons at a reduced price: Make an early appointment before she gets booked.
Nice gift for your Valentine.
More surprises and activities are planned for our
Valentine Milongueros and Milongueras. (don't miss out) Block your calendars now!!! This is the place to be.
*Introducing: Pay by "Venmo" @terri-lopez-0 Download the Venmo app. to your mobile phone or if you already have it, use it to pay before you leave the house, or from the car, or a day before, or week before, then ease past the line. Running late for the lesson? Venmo Tango! We make Tango easy. This is really convenient. Try it. It is really working
for a lot of you.
Look us up on Yelp and please feel free to leave a review and comment for other Milongueros/Milongueras looking to find us.