"Terri's Tango Tutor" Issue number: #3- February 2020
Published: Sun, 02/09/20
Terri's Tango Tutor Issue: #3 February 2020
Welcome to Terri's Tango Tutor
The First Rule of Terri's Tango Tutor is ..Have Fun!, The second rule of Terri's Tango Tutor is.. have fun!... the third rule is... say it out loud..
"Tango is a journey of self expression, self discovery, and the art of dance." ~ Terri's Haiku
It is normal to at first feel intimidated by watching others Tango. You feel like there is no way I can do that. We have all been there, trust me. Me too. Don't give up so easy. You can do this. It is not medical school.
Remember the first time you got behind the wheel of a car? Your hands were at 10 and 2, your shoulders scrunched up, your eyes fixed forward, and drove at 10 MPH. Now, you have one hand on the wheel, the other holding the mobile phone, drink on your lap, and scolding the kids in the backseat to stop picking on your sister, am I right? Tango is easier than that.
I look at some on you and recall when you started. You stuck with it. Now, our guys are Anthony Quinn and ladies are Rita Hayworth. Look, this is you. It's all attitude:
Watch this clip of our amazing members Francis and Marie on their anniversary dance. [3rd video] They all had the first time fear as well. We all did on the first day. Now they mastered it. How cool is this?
This is what Tango is about. Doing what you thought you couldn't when you first walked in the door: https://www.terrisfirehousemilonga.com/videos#
Every Thursday night, we are the place to be.
If this inspires you to improve your own technique or try it for the first time just come on over for the lesson every Thursday night beginning: 7:15 pm - 8 pm.
Our guest instructor, Karina Romero and Jorge Carmona will continue teaching us the Tango state of mind, attitude, and art of the dance. Try it. Just do it.
Our secret is simplicity over complexity improves your personal technique, command over your steps, dignified self-image, and Tango etiquette. Just like walking.
Or just observe, mingle and hang out. You do not have to dance to join us ya know. Everyone is welcome. We are the friendliest Milonga. We enjoy your company.
Tango Etiquette:
**"Tango Etiquette": In the art of Tango seduction, it is more than steps and moves, but mastering courtly conduct also. It projects an air of confidence but tempered by impeccable good manners.
Tango encourages our guys to "coax" the lady onto the dance floor, to "court" her , "beguile" her, "win" her into his masculine embrace. The gentleman is dashing, the lady is hesitantly demure.
First and foremost, it is always the ladies feminine discretion over her level of resistance before she is persuaded. In Tango, the gentleman has to win her over. Guys be gallantly chivalrous but resolute. Ladies be artfully coy but consenting. **
Look, Listen, Learn: Tango Terms -
BARRIDA: [bar-ree-da] A sweep; a sweeping motion. One dancer slides or sweeps their partner's free foot along the floor and places it in a new position without losing foot contact.
BASICO: [bah-see-koh] A basic pattern of steps used while dancing tango. There are several basic patterns the most common of which is the eight count basic or salida.
BOLEO: [boh-lay-oh] From bolear- to throw; to swing a free leg. This is usually done by checking the lady's body rotation in mid-turn. The boleo, a while-like maction of the free leg, is done while swiveling on one foot. A boleo may be executed either high or low depending on the power and intention in the lead. these can also be done forward or back.
HOT STUFF: Check out this video clip from "Assassination Tango" starring Robert Duval. Notice Pablo Veron in the final scene. Pure magic: https://youtu.be/rSRquw7ywCs
Ok, now you have some knowledgeable conversation to break the ice about this passionate music. Share your thoughts with me.
Join us: Every Thursday Night: 7 pm -11:15 pm 105 Grove Ave. Maywood, NJ 07670
email: authorhlb@gmail.com Mobile: 845 270-1201