"Terri's Tango Tutor" Issue number: #4 - March 2020
Published: Sun, 03/15/20
"The Place to Be"
Terri's Tango Tutor Issue: #4 March 2020
Welcome to Terri's Tango Tutor
The First Rule of Terri's Tango Tutor is ..Have Fun!, The second rule of Terri's Tango Tutor is.. have fun!... the third rule is... say it out loud..
"Tango is a journey of self expression, self discovery, and the art of dance." ~ Terri's Haiku
It is normal to at first feel intimidated by watching others Tango. You feel like there is no way I can do that. We have all been there, trust me. Me too. Don't give up so easy. You can do this. It is not medical school.
Remember the first time you got behind the wheel of a car? Your hands were at 10 and 2, your shoulders scrunched up, your eyes fixed forward, and drove at 10 MPH. Now, you have one hand on the wheel, the other holding the mobile phone, drink on your lap, and scolding the kids in the backseat to stop picking on your sister, am I right? Tango is easier than that.
The Classic Elegance and Allure of Tango:
Here is an example of classic elegance and debonair conduct: "Nix the tawk, Dance" ~ George Raft and Janet Blair in 'Broadway 1942' - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96GW0WptYW0
"A good partner brings out all my talents" ~ George Raft and Marie Windsor dance the Tango. Gentlemen, you cannot go wrong with his presentation; "At your service.." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqY9EzV99hY
I enjoyed this Tango with Fillipo at Judy and John's 80th Birthday/60th Wedding Anniversary. Everyone had so much fun. It was especially encouraging to watch their grand-kids and friends appreciate Tango and give it a try so fearlessly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzt81sPNsBo
This is what Tango is about. Doing what you thought you couldn't when you first walked in the door:
***If this inspires you to improve your own technique or try it for the first time just come on over for the lesson every Thursday night beginning: 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm. ***
Tango Etiquette:
**"Tango Etiquette": In the art of Tango seduction, it is more than steps and moves, but mastering courtly conduct also. It projects an air of confidence but tempered by impeccable good manners.
Tango encourages our guys to "coax" the lady onto the dance floor, to "court" her , "beguile" her, "win" her into his masculine embrace. The gentleman is dashing, the lady is hesitantly demure.
First and foremost, it is always the ladies feminine discretion over her level of resistance before she is persuaded. In Tango, the gentleman has to win her over. Guys be gallantly chivalrous but resolute. Ladies be artfully coy but consenting. **
Look, Listen, Learn: Tango Terms -
CADENCIA [kah-den-see-ya] A check and replacement of weight, usually led by the man. Useful for avoiding collisions and making direction changes in small spaces.
CAMINAR [kah-mee-nar] To Walk
CORRIDA [cor-ree-dah] From corner; to run. A sequence of running steps. A series of syncopated walks.
CORTE [kor-tay] From cortar- to cut. In tango, corte means cutting the music either by syncopating or by holding a step for several beats. May also refer to a variety of dramatic poses.
CRUZADA [croo-sah-dah] From cruzar- to cross; the cross. A cruzada occurs any time one foot is crossed in front of or in back of the other. The position of the woman's foot at the fifth beat in the eight count basic May also be called trabada.
HOT STUFF: The hottest American Tango moves on film. What do you think of it? I think these are the only masks I would allow at Tango. This is for variety and comparisons, enjoy: