Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II / Update For 2 April 2020 Newsletter#38
Published: Sun, 04/05/20
Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II
Newsletter: 38
*** Thursday - April 2, 2020**
Naomi Hotta ~
"Warning: tango contains highly addictive ingredients, such as pain, pleasure, passion, excitement, connection, freedom, torment, and bliss. In seven out of ten cases it takes over a person's life."
Dear Friends and Members:
As we all continue to do our part to mitigate the spread of this virus, we will not relent to it. If we spread anything, it will be our deep passion for Tango and our genuine affection for each other.
We are more than a club, we are a family and a community. Looking to the near future when will hang out at Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga together with relief, joy and thankfulness.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel, so until the all clear, we will share our Tango experiences and friendship with one another here.
I've already began planning for our return "kick-off". It will be stupendous. Be ready to welcome new members and others who found us searching for Tango while on "house arrest."
So, until then, each Thursday night, let's commit to play these videos and listen to the music for a brief time, that we may keep our tradition alive.
Join me in defiance of any that would have the temerity to presume we will seek out our passion for life, music and Tango elsewhere.
Meet you all here, until we embrace again soon. Just click on the links.
As you know, Tango is both defiance and submission set to music. We will remain resilient together. This too shall pass. We will be restored to our dancing, laughing, and fun times soonest possible.
I encourage us all to refuse to submit to the emotional hysteria and reserve our faculties of critical thinking, rational logic and commonsense reasoning.
Know the difference between alienation and so-called social distancing. We will buddy check up on our friends by using the many communication devices in our hands. We'll not succumb to fear. We will exercise reasonable and prescribed precaution. There is no fear in Tango. You all know how to contact me.
Encore and Bravo:
Enjoy the video we prepared for you by the vivacious Karina and gallant Jorge:
Love you all,
p.s. Keep an eye out for the next Terri's Tango Tutor coming out 12th April 2020!