Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II / Update For 23 April 2020 Newsletter#40
Published: Thu, 04/23/20
Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II
Newsletter: 40
*** Thursday - April 23, 2020**
"Tango is two individuals embracing in mutual trust, where one leads, the other follows, together they create one dance because they are agreed." ~ Terri's Haiku
Dear Friends and Members:
It is said that absence makes the heart grow fonder. It is true. I miss you all terribly. Don't you miss our fellowship, camaraderie, laughter, and sense of accomplishment as we bid each other goodnight and say; "See you next Thursday." [?] I sure do.
It is the reason why we are more than a club. We are a family and a community. We care about each other.
I have observed that everyone of us who first walked through our door at Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II, all walk out with a feeling of accomplishment, of mastering a challenge, and sense of achievement.
It happens because we build trust and greater self-confidence with each other than without. Just like Tango is made for two, so is friendship. It is more fun with someone else.
Just as some overcame what ever they feared most, was only achieved by facing it together. Just like the embrace, that says follow me and I trust you to lead me, is why Tango is a lot like life.
That same chemistry will help us get over any lingering doubts once the all clear is given for us to reclaim our lives and pursue the passions that inspire, motivate, and charm one to the other.
We share our joys, pain and loss, good health and challenges. I'll never forget how so many of you shared my grief and debilitating pain to help me endure the greatest loss of my life.
That is who we are and we must preserve it. A microbe cannot be allowed to destroy our bonds of friendship, respect and love.
The virus will die out. We will not, so long as we purge our anxieties and choose to disallow it from dominating our will or take over our life style with fear and doubt.
Let's reaffirm our commitment to ourselves, that we will quell our apprehensions, reject forced solitude, dispel any mental reservations, and decide all is not so bleak.
I look forward to the near future when we will hang out together at Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga together with relief, joy and thankfulness.
The music will play again, gallant gentlemen will extend their hand invitingly, the dance floor will reopen, as usual, the rest is up to you.
Here is what we can look forward to:
I am planning a stupendously fabulous tango-licious reunion and re-inauguration all-in-one.
1. New members and others migrating from the city who found us searching for Tango while on "house arrest" will be joining us.
2. The line up of talent eager to share their skills and craft with us all are ready to work.
3. Music and Instructors and Performances that will invigorate, inspire, and captivate the allure we experience along side each other are waiting in the wings.
4.I will reveal the secret to our success. There is no replication only imitation.
So, until then, each Thursday night, let's commit to play these videos and listen to the music for a brief time, that we may keep our tradition alive.
Join me in defiance of any that would have the temerity to presume we will seek out our passion for life, music and Tango elsewhere.
Meet you all here, until we embrace again soon. Just click on the links. Enjoy!