The First Rule of Terri's Tango Tutor is ..Have Fun!, The second rule of Terri's Tango Tutor is.. have fun!... the third rule is... say it out loud..
"Tango is an art form, passion is the paint, music are the colors, the dance floor is the canvass, and each of you are the Picasso of your own Dibujo." ~ Terri's Haiku
Tango is courage. The courage to try what you thought you could not do. The courage to overcome fear of rejection but ask anyway. The courage to ignore the critics, mockers, and doubters, and do your own thing. The courage to take that first lesson. To take that long walk across the floor to ask a stranger to dance with you. To mess up a step but keep trying, even when others around you seem to have mastered it. Tangueros are courageous. Be courageous.
Together we are courage.
Courage: the ability to do something that frightens one... the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. mental or moral strength to venture,or, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. [Merriam's Dictionary]
The Classic Elegance and Allure of Tango:
In anticipation of our release from "House Arrest", NOW is the best opportunity to brush up on the basics with a bit of practice. If you have a smart phone to view this video, just dance with it, follow the steps. Back to basics.
Begin with this exercise: Posture, rehearse it, and you will fall right back into it. Let's keep practicing this until you have mastered it completely. Apply what you have learned till now and continue polishing up your skills. When we all return to Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II, you will be relaxed, confident, and ready to dance: HOW TO LEAD AND THE FOLLOWERS
Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II is an original and successful because of your loyalty to each other, our passion and mutual respect. This is what Tango is all about.
TO BE CONTINUED... Every Thursday night, we are the place to be.
Guys practice being dashing, gallant, and gentlemanly. Ladies remember to be demure. Acquiescent but resistant. Tango is the melding of all of these. Two individuals, melting into one dance couple. Just like light glittering on the water.
Tango Etiquette:
**"Tango Etiquette": In the art of Tango seduction, it is more than steps and moves, but mastering courtly conduct also. It projects an air of confidence but tempered by impeccable good manners.
Tango encourages our guys to "coax" the lady onto the dance floor, to "court" her , "beguile" her, "win" her into his masculine embrace. The gentleman is dashing, the lady is hesitantly demure.
First and foremost, it is always the ladies feminine discretion over her level of resistance before she is persuaded. In Tango, the gentleman has to win her over. Guys be gallantly chivalrous but resolute. Ladies be artfully coy but consenting. **
Look, Listen, Learn: Tango Terms -
GANCHO [gahn-cho] The hook. When one dancer swings a leg backwards to engage or hook a partners leg. Ganchos are usually performed on the stage. They may be executed from different positions to the inside or outside of either leg and by either partner.
GIRO: [hee-row] Turn. A turning step or figure.
Ok, now you have some knowledgeable conversation to break the ice about this passionate music and as a proud member of our club. Share your thoughts with me.
TO BE CONTINUED..... be ready.. opening soon.......
Join us: Every Thursday Night: 7 pm -11:15 pm 105 Grove Ave. Maywood, NJ 07670
email: Mobile: 845 270-1201