Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II / Update For 18 June 2020 #47
Published: Fri, 06/19/20
Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II
Newsletter: 47
*** Thursday - June 18th , 2020***
Dear Friends and Members:
Yes, It is all true! We are open for Tango - Because:
* Our venue meets the criteria to open in the State of New Jersey
* We are small business qualified
* Our recommended capacity limits are temporarily targeted at 31 persons in a space large enough for 125 people
* AND...."Terri's Tango-Milonga 2 is the place to be!"
ALL ARE WELCOME TO JOIN US. It is Tango night for first-timers and all-timers.
Was refreshing and wonderfully experienced just like the first summer breeze.
Analia Carreno and Luis Ramirez were gracious and friendly during our Meet and Greet session. Wait till you all meet them in person.
You will enjoy them, learn a lot, and pick up new techniques to build on your growing skills through a variety of instructors I have planned for you.
I mix consistency with variety so that you will have more in your tool box ready anytime and anyplace and any style.
Where ever you go, others will know that you must be from Terri's Firehouse Tango because of your versatility on the dance floor.
Music: We overcame some technical glitches and learned how to trouble-shoot it. Funny, the music is in us so we can dance around glitches anyway.
Everyone socialized, conversed and danced till closing time.
Light snacks were served. Wine flowed and laughter was abundant. The ambiance was relaxing and dancing was smooth on our expansive and shiny new dance floor.
One thing we all agreed on was no kill-joy's past the front door.
Kudos and Thanks to: Tibor, Debbie, Steve M. and others who prefer to remain nameless. You all were fantastic, loyal and a joy to be with.
I am making plans for our triumphant reunion for Thursday, 2 July 2020. Mark your calendars for that date. You do not want to miss it. I will share the details soon. We have all of our bases covered. Anticipate full and safe resumption in the very near future. It is just down the road.
SAFETY Measures and guidelines:
* As much as we miss each other there are guidelines
* Recommendations published by the State of N.J. for Pubs.
* Individual Hygiene - Hand-Sanitizers are located throughout the venue, bringing your own is fine.
* As always, follow your personal physicians advice
* Of course, You know what is best for your own physical and mental health needs
* Your comfort and safety are equally our concern, so let's respect everyone's individual choices as good friends should
Here is what we will do:
1. Thursday, June 25th, as usual we will start up at 7:00PM to 11:15PM.
2. Ladies gear up for Tango night.
3. Gentlemen bring on your gallantry.
4. Let's resolve to simply have some fun and enjoy each other's company at your own comfort level.
5. Jump back into your groove, recall what you have learned, and let's hit the dance floor. Mingle, socialize, and let's catch up with each other.
* Music by Terri's Tango Hit-list.
* Talent by the elegant dance team of Sarita Apel and Andres Bravoin a wonderful "Meet and Greet" getting to know you ice-breaker.
Everyone is welcome; One and all, singles, mingles, couples, first-timers and all-timers.
I missed you all so very much!
GENTLE REMINDER: For your convenience use VENMO @terri-lopez-0
FOR PLANNING: Please be so kind to send me an email [authorhlb@gmail.com] or quick call [845 270 1201] to RSVP your intention to join us this Thursday, June 25th. Just this once, not every week. I'll keep you apprised.
Watch for my announcements about what I have in the works. There are some wonderful surprises planned for all of us.
"Terri's Tango Tutor" is in the works for next week. I hope you all enjoy the tips, factoids, and tenor of classic and mixture of new music, dance clips, videos and proof that elegant style is timeless.