Dear Friends, Milongueros and Milongueras.
Welcome one and all to the New Firehouse Tango Milonga II.
As your humble, official Manager and Hostess effective July 1, 2019, I will re-organize an exciting team of rotating Guest Instructors and Dee-jays, offering variety, diversity, and a menu of flavors that will appeal to all levels of Milongeros and Milongueras.
Everyone is welcome to enjoy a wonderful mix of the familiar with the new and partake in Tango-Milonga fellowship meeting new and current friends. Our ambiance will glow with the class and elegance that Tango inspires, as each of you takes to the dance floor and Milonga the night away.
Our guest instructors have a strong background in teaching and also learning from the Masters of Tango. Their style of instruction will inspire and encourage self confidence, to make it a fun experience for the basic beginner to the seasoned veteran, and everyone in-between.
They will help all of us to achieve the comfort level that fits you the best individually, where we enjoy learning and practicing with each other, building up the self confidence that comes with encouragement.
We are a social network of diverse cultural backgrounds, who will not only build our Tango skills, but forge long lasting friendships by mutual respect, variety of interests, and shared passion for music, class and just enjoy each other’s company one “miracle Thursday” night a week.
“Miracle Thursday”? My family makes sport of me saying every other day of the week, I have body-aches and limitations that miraculously disappear on the day I am dressing up to go out dancing Tango. “It’s a miracle!”
To restate my message in the June 6, 2019 Newsletter; my heartfelt appreciation to my good friend Sue Dallon for her continuing support in making this a seamless transition. Our gratitude to Fran and Pat, for their long history of support to the former Firehouse Tango. Let’s wish them good luck.
Schedules of Guest Instructors to follow. Ask your friends to join us.