Personal Message From Terri - Firehouse Tango-Milonga II

Published: Tue, 08/13/19

Hello Everyone:

Allow me to send out a really heartfelt thank you to all of you again. The outpouring of support and love is just overwhelming. It is truly the best medicine.

I am on the mend and making steady progress with only a week since surgery.

All of you who pitch in and cooperate and lend so much support are what makes our event special and generate good vibes. You all put the "friend" in "friendly".

I ll send out the usual reminders and updated newsletter. To all the first-timers who came by and those who have recycled back, please feel welcome and accept my regrets that I am unable to greet you in person. Be assured, you are valued and encouraged to make this your Tango-Milonga home. Bring and friend and join the Lessons.

This note is just from me to all of you, to let you know how much I am thinking of you and want you to have fun and enjoy yourselves every Thursday with us. I ll be back soon to "kick-off" another debut with each of you.

Any questions, just call me on my mobile: 845 270-1201 or


New stuff note:

Try VENMO application on your mobile phone. Some may be running late for the lesson or what-ever reason. VENMO gives you the convenience and saves more Tango time. This way you may breeze through the door when there is a line: my venmo: @terri-lopez-0

Hugs, Terri