Thanks to all of the Milongueros, for the smooth moves and classic look we are becoming known for.
We'll continue with the dim-lights ambiance, vibrant music, that are attracting more people and bringing out the elegant Tango dancers inside of you. It was an enjoyable way to kiss August good-bye.
We claim the bragging rights over our gentlemen as they are fast becoming the envy of the Tango community. Ladies, you are clearly the inspiration. Guy's continue to be gallant on and off the dance floor.
Our guest instructors, Carlos and Karen have really tapped into your inner Milonga. The one on one sessions clearly boosts your confidence and sharpens your skills. In all seriousness, this is where it is paying off for all of you. Even your hand movements, eye contact, and expression, all convey the tango attitudes and your stride toward personal excellence.
The secret is simplicity over complexity, improves your personal technique, command over your steps, dignified self-image, and dance floor etiquette. It is worth restating, just how quickly so many of you overcame your initial shyness that is normal to the first time in a group setting. Then just as quickly, developed your own unique
individuality and personal style that belongs to you. It is all yours. Claim it and name it.
The Milonga began with the classic melodies of strings and unmistakable sounds of the "bandonium" directly from the play-list of our very own DJ Sue Dee.
Well deserved praise moment: Carlos and Karen made the Milonga lesson fun, instructive, and inspiring. The result and outcome is obvious by how all of you look and move together. It is simply transformative. The formula is working.
9th Kick-Off debut - Next Thursday: Our guest Instructors are Karina Romero accompanied by her gallant partner Jorge.
Exclusively for our Firehouse Tango-Milonga II participants, Karina will continue to provide private lessons. Call for an appointment: 1 646 342-9910
Our 9th "Kick Off" happens next Thursday, 5 September. Our beginning of Autumn Tango will bring out the Milonga in your eyes, the glide in your stride, and music in your heart. Let's turn out and make it happen again.
Our guest DJ will be our friend, the talented, unstoppable DJ Sue Dee.
Introducing: Pay by "Venmo" @terri-lopez-0 Download the Venmo app. to your mobile phone or if you already have it, use it to pay before you leave the house, or from the car, or a day before, or week before, then ease past the line. Running late for the lesson? Venmo Tango! We make Tango easy. This is really convenient. Try it. It is really working
for a lot of you.
Updates: Welcome to the newest and latest participants to our growing Milonga. I love it how welcoming you all make people feel. This is where we foster new friendships and nourish existing friendships. Come and Tango-Milonga here with us. Escape from the daily grind every Thursday.