The high energy and fun time we have here has branded us as the "best Milonga in Bergen County".
Our welcoming attitudes and feeling of being a part of a group of friends are echoing throughout the community. The word is out internationally too. We were graced to have out of town visitors who chose us to be with after their long trip from Argentina and Spain. They wanted me to tell all of you, just how comfortable and welcoming you made them feel. They loved the good vibes, music, and each of you who treated them like long time friends.
Not to mention, the non-stop dancing, laughter, and mingling they experienced. It does not go unnoticed that OUR die-hards keep dancing to the last minute of the last "La Cumparsita". That is just who we are.
The word of mouth is spreading, just how much everyone loves to linger up to the final wisp of music, before bidding each other good-night, until we meet again next Thursday.
"DJ Raging Rich" Ariza was a man on fire. His music puts the "fire" in "firehouse." Paired with the ambiance of the dim light casting misty silhouettes of graceful, indistinguishable dancers, completely in sync with the music. It is simply magical to watch. They danced to every tanda, even after "La Cumparsita" played.
Our guest instructors, Karina Romero and Jorge Carmona, continued their brand of teaching style that is beginning to reflect in each of you. You own it. Keep up the good work.
I re-emphasize that you all take as much from our instructors excellent skills in the time we have them. Make good use of it. You are absorbing their instructions very well. It shows. Pay attention. Stay focused.
The dim-lights, flickering candles ambiance and captivating music transport us to the street lamp cafe alleys of Buenos Aires. Our music, dance and gallant etiquette give us our authenticity. You are making it work.
Notice, we are attracting a diverse crowd of people and the mix is bringing out the elegant Tango dancers inside of you.
No matter where you are, we own the bragging rights over our gentlemen, as we are fast becoming the envy of the Tango community. Our ladies dress so classy, dance so refined, that the secret is out; you are clearly the inspiration. Guy's continue to be gallant on and off the dance floor.
Love how "Club Tango" highlights our dancers for all to see. I am so proud of each of you. We're nicknamed"Terri's Tango Milonga" in the photo gallery and the interviews on our Facebook page. They capture the spirit of our Tango event. Good job by the vivacious and witty Doc Sharon and keen eye of the dashing "Black Hat" John Rovito. Give them a like on their Facebook page.
**"Tango Etiquette": In the art of Tango seduction, it is more than steps and moves, but mastering courtly conduct also. It projects an air of confidence but tempered by impeccable good manners.
Tango encourages our guys to "coax" the lady onto the dance floor, to "court" her , "beguile" her, "win" her into his masculine embrace. The gentleman is dashing, the lady is hesitantly demure.
First and foremost, it is always the ladies feminine discretion over her level of resistance before she is persuaded. In Tango, the gentleman has to win her over. Guys be gallantly chivalrous but resolute. Ladies be artfully coy but consenting. **
Our guest instructor, Karina Romero and partner Jorge Carmona will continue teaching us the Tango state of mind, attitude, and art of the dance.
The one on one sessions clearly boosts your confidence and sharpens your skills. You re ready to move upward and onward to next level stuff, this is where it is paying off for all of you.
Even your hand movements, eye contact, and expression, all convey the tango attitudes, and your stride toward personal excellence. Bravo. Trust me, everyone can see it.
Our secret is simplicity over complexity improves your personal technique, command over your steps, dignified self-image, and Tango etiquette.
It is worth restating, just how quickly so many of you overcame your initial shyness that is normal to the first time in a group setting. Then just as quickly, developed your own unique individuality and personal style that belongs to you. It is all yours. Claim it and name it. You got this.
Our 16th consecutive Kick-Off debut - ***Next Thursday, October 24th, our guest DJ "Gallant Jack" Hanley will be back just as smooth and talented as ever. Come by and enjoy his style of traditional Tango. ***
Our guest Instructors Karina Romero and Jorge Carmona, will return elegantly and gallantly as always.
Exclusively for our Firehouse Tango-Milonga II participants, Karina will continue to provide private lessons. Call for an appointment: 1 646 342-9910
Introducing: Pay by "Venmo" @terri-lopez-0 Download the Venmo app. to your mobile phone or if you already have it, use it to pay before you leave the house, or from the car, or a day before, or week before, then ease past the line. Running late for the lesson? Venmo Tango! We make Tango easy. This is really convenient. Try it. It is really working
for a lot of you.
Look us up on Yelp and please feel free to leave a rating and comment for other Milongueros/Milongueras looking to find us.
Updates: Welcome to all of our first-timers, second-timers, and all-timers, who make us the fastest growing, diverse, event in the Tango Community. We are the place to be because we are the people you want to be with every Thursday night.