Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II / NEWSLETTER 8 April, 2021 #89
Published: Mon, 04/12/21
Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II Newsletter:
*** Thursday - April 8, 2021***
On Thursdays you all decided that Terri's Firehouse Tango Milonga was the place to be!
TANGO HAIKU: “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
― Frank Herbert, Dune
Your passion and love for Tango drives your determination and enthusiasm. Nothing can stop us.
Some may call us crazy, but evidently, Terri's Firehouse Tango is not for the normal, but for the exceptionally passionate. Well worth repeating.
To our friends who venture out from the five boroughs to be with us, thank you.
Tango Report:
Our wonderful Milongueros and Milongueras continue to make it a night of fun.
It's a fact that our dance floor presents some of the best Tango dancers, gallant gentlemen, elegant ladies, professional dancers who come to dance traditional Tango music with style.
We are the place to be every Thursday night without fail because we keep traditional Argentine Tango alive!
We videoed and posted the performance by our Masters of Argentine Tango, Analia Carreno and Luis Ramirez. It is well worth seeing again. You can view them in our face book page.
We also post our Masters Analia Carreno and Luis Ramirez, end of group class demonstration, that can be viewed on our face book page:
For your dancing pleasure, our Multi Talented DJ Javier Sanchez will continue to bring his most sought out and popular artists. He will continue to play 8:30 PM to 1l:15PM.
Group lessons: All skill levels are taught by Analia Carreno and Luis Ramirez every Thursday from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
NEW STUFF: Each week, Javier Sanchez will feature a different Artist for your enjoyment. We will write something to improve your knowledge about that artist on the Tango Tutor. This will improve upon your Tango smarts for light discussion.
Months ago I began to send you some information about the musical artists that you dance to. I will restart that tutorial to help us become more conversant on the topic.
Informing you how Tango is not only about learning steps, but understanding and listening to the music.
Each artist interprets the same music /song that you dance to, but the musical styles are different.
Your ear, needs to listen so that you can dance to each interpretation from those artists elegantly.
It is written all over the place that the best way to improve your dancing is to know the music you are dancing to as your body moves with the different styles, so that you may look and be lead gracefully on the dance floor. ("you are not robots")
The artist of the week on Javier Sanchez's playlist will be: Osvaldo Fresedo , nick named "El Pibe de la Paternal" (the kid from La Paternal") He was an Argentine songwriter and director of a tango orchestra. He had the longest recording career in tango from 1925 to 1980.
He learned to play the bandoneon and as a teenager joined several of the most famous orchestras of the era of the Guardia Vieja ("Old Guard")
"Back in Buenos Aires, he formed his first orchestra which, outset, displayed his trademark style. Although his trademark style evolved somewhat in the following decades, its essence remained the same; his performing group always displayed true elegance."
"Fresedo was one of the innovators of tango in the early 1920s along with such other young musicians of the time. All of them brought a high level of musicianship and were thus able to bring about the more refined musical style that characterized what later became known as the tango of the Guardia Nueva "New Guard")." ~ wiki-pedia
Most notably some of his compositions "El espiante:(the Rejected one) to which he added "Vida mia") "My Life", el Once" (the name of the neighborhood in Buenos Aires, among others.
There are some of the Spanish terms that will continually come up in tango classes and the tango world at large:
In Buenos Aires "ll" or y" is pronounced "zh" almost an English "j
a "qu"sounds like the "c" in cat;
a "z" is pronounced like "c:'
and a Spanish "j" is a hard, throaty "h" sound.
Tango Terms:
Molinette: (moh-lee-nen-tay) windmill-wheel. A figure in which a partner&usually the woman) dances a grape vine action in a circle around the other, stepping side-back-side-forward in a continuous manner. The man usually directs the woman around his body while he is positioned the center of the turn.
+++ Need I say it? Worth repeating, Tango is non-judgmental. We are not "paused" simply because we met all of the State mandated criteria to operate.
We operate safely because we adhere to suggested guidelines. All are welcome to join us.
So be respectful of all those who make personal choices to participate and equally to those who make personal choices not to. Everyone just do your own thing. +++
If you missed this week, try not to miss out next week. We are full of exciting surprises. Our system is working well, thanks to all of you.
Everyone's skill sets are continually improving and reflecting their own individuality. Our Master Tango instructors Analia Carreno and Luis Ramirez have come to know each and everyone of you personally. They measure your progress and report your self confidence is high.
Naturally, every instructor has their own style and methodologies. What works and what sticks with you is all that counts.
I gently recommend every level of skill set to come by and try the lesson. You will enjoy it.
You are welcome to video the demonstration at the end of the group lesson if you like.
Analia Carreno and Luis Ramirez, are available for private lessons.
**The dance hall is available to us exclusively all day every Thursday. We are offering private, one on one lessons, by appointment. Call me for details. **
**We have it ALL under one Tango roof. Be sure to call me to get your name on the Instructors list to book a private lesson for you before the group lesson.**
It has become quite evident that no matter where our Milongueros and Milongueras go to dance, their style and versatility are immediately recognizable as "you must be from Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga II!"
Why? Your skills, style, Tango etiquette and command of the dance floor reflect brilliantly on us all.
Seasoned Tangueros, continue to come by and join us, we all benefit from the lessons and everyone enjoys the exchanges of style and comportment so much. Come on over. This is the place for Tanqueros to Tango.
I guarantee you will have fun. Fun is the operative word. Leave your worries and problems behind.
Ladies: By popular demand Analia will bring her stylish brand of shoes and tango dresses, available for sale to us exclusively. FYI.
This is your spot to escape, Tango the night away and enjoy friends and dancers where you may be yourself to hang out with good people.
I take the time to book the best talent and Tango instructors to give you the personal touch. I schedule each far in advance to ensure we have ample entertainment and continuity with certainty.
This has been evident by the great instructors and DJs we have every week for you.
This chemistry mixed with all of you is what puts the 'fire' in "Terri's Firehouse Tango-Milonga 2". Our combination of character, charm and magic is no where else to be found:
Our highly polished wood floors are unmatched anywhere else.
We offer a steamy, classy ambiance, with a variety of music and talent, and consistent reliability.
Rain, shine or doomsday, we are open!
Come by and check it out for yourself.
Big hugs and thanks to everyone who kicked in and helped us grow together. Love you all.
Please add your comments and share us on Yelp to help others find us when they are driving up:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THURSDAY'S TANGO EVENT REMINDER: 15th day of April 2021.
- $20.00 includes Lessons and Milonga. BYOW, light snacks, all are welcome to share their own specialties to the snack table.
Music by: DJ Javier Sanchez - the multi-talented Maestro. You will dance to his carefully selected playlist, from 8:30 PM to 11:15 PM.
Our Master Tango Instructors: Analia Carreno and Luis Ramirez will teach the
Lesson: 7:00-8:30PM
++REMINDER++ Please RSVP via email: authorhlb@gmail.com or mobile: 845 270 1201 It helps with planning. Your cooperation is helpful.
Light Snacks and BYOW.
A shout out of gratitude to all those who contributed to our snack table. Thank you for sharing.
See you there!
Good House-Keeping:
For your convenience hand sanitizing stations are situated throughout the place for your comfort and safety.
Requested Cooperation per Instructors:
In deference to our Instructors; they request mutual cooperation during class time:
Each instructor will convey their requirements. In general let's practice courteous precautions during class time 7pm - 8:30pm:
1. Appropriate face coverings
2. Couples instruction sequences
3. Singles instruction sequences
[maintain consistent partners - no change ups]
4. Spacing as instructed
General precautionary guidelines:
* As much as we miss each other there are a few suggestions
* We follow the guidelines published by the State of N.J.
* Individual Hygiene - Hand-Sanitizers stations are found throughout the venue, bringing your own is fine.
* As always, follow your personal physicians advice.
* Of course, You know what is best for your own physical and mental health needs
* Your comfort and safety are equally our concern, so let's respect everyone's individual choices as good friends should in accord with your own comfort level.
Call me with any questions you may have. Share the Newsletter information. We are dancing, socializing, and enjoying our choices to Tango at our Milonga without interruption. This is your place to be every Thursday Night!
GENTLE REMINDER: For your convenience use VENMO @terri-lopez-0