Firehouse Tango's Super Holiday Milonga Thursday, December 18th

Published: Thu, 12/18/14

Holiday Milonga

Please join us as Firehouse Tango celebrates the holidays (Christmas, New Years and Hanukkah) on Thursday, December 18th, our last milonga of 2014.  

Expect wonderful friends, door prizes, food, and dancing; but dress for a party.  Holiday cortinas and the decorated hall will set the mood, and we'll give you an extra half hour to celebrate.  Keep your eyes open for the yearly visit from Santa.

As always, our $15 admission charge will also include beginner (7 - 7:30) and intermediate (7:30 - 8:30) lessons taught by Fran Chesleigh and buffet dinner.

The Menu

Here is the menu, made with love by our Firehouse friends: 
·  Sue Dallon - Turkey, ham, sweet potato souffle
·  Terri Lopez - Arroz con pollo - The best ever
·  Flo Salierno - Dessert
·  Hilda Genni Two flans and my favorite kale salad
·  Judy Saul - Holiday rice
·  Camille D. - appetizer or main dish
·  Mike and Debbie - Salad
·  Bonnie - fruit
·  Judy Wynne - Pumpkin banana nut bread brought a week ahead
·  Irina P - Eggplant salad
·  Georgina - pickled cabbage salad
·  Marlene Streisenger - appetizer
·  Brigitte Szarka - Mediterranean Tapas platter, with crackers
·  Sydney St. James - home-made cranberry sauce,  home-made pickles and cut up pineapple 
·  Francis and Marie Gregoire – Anniversary cake, shrimp, and goodies

Francis and Marie             

We'll also celebrate Francis and Marie's anniversary.  Francis and Marie Gregoire have been coming to Firehouse for many years and have been to Buenos Aires with us three times.

Francis will start the birthday tango with Marie and then we  will begin cutting in. The guys will dance with Marie and the ladies with Francis.  It will be delightful.  

Oh, and we are looking forward to the mountain of huge and luscious shrimp and delicious chocolate cake that Francis and Marie bring.  They are sure to be fabulous, as always.