Firehouse Tango begins Year 13 - Good-bye to Joe

Published: Fri, 01/09/15

Firehouse Tango Logo
January 08 , 2015 Newsletter
Good-bye my love
On December 26, we said good-bye to my dear husband and the love of my life.  I miss him very much.  However, life and tango go on, and I shall continue to enjoy them both to the fullest. 

Thank you, my tango friends, for the love and support you have given us.  I look forward to a new year, filled to the brim with love and dance.

Sue Dallon

Firehouse History and Time Line

At appropriate times during the year, we take a look back at some Firehouse Tango highlights.  We sincerely thank all of you who have been with us from the start, the newcomers, and everyone in between.  Every one of you contributes to making us who we are. 

03/20/2003     Argentine Tango instructors Carlos and Rosa announce they are leaving for Paris and ask if we would like to continue Pasional, their weekly milonga at Paramus firehouse # 4. 

03/27/2003        Sal and Laura Zullo host first session of Tango Co-op while Sue, Joe and Eva are in Buenos Aires.

04/1/2003         Sue Dallon publishes first weekly newsletter.

04/17/2003      Fran Chesleigh teaches first lesson as guest instructor.

06/12/2003      Tango Co-op members vote to change name to Firehouse Tango.

07/20/2003      Fran has accident - recommends Jak Karako as replacement.

07/29/2003      CJ Puotinen publishes interview of Fran Chesleigh, first of a series of Firehouse Tango instructor interviews.

09/4/2003      Jak Karako teaches first lesson as guest instructor.

02/3/2004         Goodbye party for Jak

02/10/2004      Fran is welcomed back as permanent instructor.

03/16/2004      First Firehouse Tango trip to Buenos Aires. Fran Chesleigh and    Pat Altman run milonga and buffet and write newsletter.  They call it the Cat's Away Milonga, and it becomes an annual tradition.

04/20/2004 web site is launched.

04/29/2004      Firehouse Tango outgrows firehouse and  moves to Maywood Knights of Columbus Hall.

05/6/2004      Firehouse Tango celebrates first anniversary in new home with live  music by Hector Del Curto trio.  The anniversary celebration will become an annual event.

06/17/2004      Fran's half-hour basic tango class is expanded to full hour.

07/2004        Fran adds one hour intermediate lesson and teaches from 7 to 9 pm   every week

08/30/2004      First Firehouse Tango on the Hudson picnic milonga.  These will  continue as an annual tradition.

06/15/2006   First Fran Chesleigh Tango Tip published in Firehouse Tango newsletter

09/2006        Firehouse Tango's first Milonga Month.  Fran Chesleigh teaches a     two hour milonga lesson for entire month.  This becomes yearly tradition. 

05/31/2008      Monica Paz from Buenos Aires visits Firehouse Tango and gives   first Saturday workshop.  She will continue to visit Firehouse on her yearly trips to the U.S.

02/31/2009   New Year's Eve is Thursday night, and Firehouse Tango has New Year's Eve Milonga

03/2011        Rich Ariza, Hector Scotti and Felix Pacheco join Firehouse as guest DJ's while Joe recuperates.  Sue then takes over and when Joe returns, they begin to alternate weeks.   

12/23/2011    Norma, Terri and Marion suggest a Christmas/Hanukkah party inviting everyone who wants to bring a dish.  It's a resounding success, and we decide to continue the tradition every year.  It's so much fun that we add a new year's party, as well.

1/5/2012    Firehouse Tango starts its tenth year with Fran Chesleigh's Argentine  Vals lessons.  This, too, becomes an annual tradition.

05/23/2013    Firehouse Tango celebrates its tenth anniversary with lots of original friends starting the anniversary dance and new friends joining in.

09/12/2013        A night to Remember.  Lightning, thunder, floods, and no electricity could not keep the Firehouse folks from dancing the night away by flashlight, proving once again that we are, indeed, a very special place.

12/26/2014        Good-bye to Joe Dallon, co-founder of Firehouse Tango.  His spirit dances on.

My Resolutions


  1.  Improve my español and resume my Duolingo streak What the heck is Duolingo? you ask - See below.  It takes me about 45 minutes every day.  Since I know that missing a day takes me back to zero,  I had extended my streak to 29.  I shall begin again with a vengeance as soon as I get my act together.

    Duolingo /ˈdɵˌlɪŋɡ/ is a free language-learning and crowdsourced text translation platform. The service is designed so that, as users progress through the lessons, they simultaneously help to translate websites and other documents.[1][2] As of 13 December 2014, Duolingo offers Latin American Spanish, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Irish and Swedish courses for English speakers, as well as American English for Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Hungarian, Romanian, Japanese, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean and Czech speakers. It also offers many other combinations of languages.[3] It is available on the Web, iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8.1 platforms.[4]

    Duolingo started its private beta on 30 November 2011 and accumulated a waiting list of more than 300,000 users.[5] Duolingo launched for the general public on 19 June 2012 and as of January 2014 has 25 million users, out of which about 12.5 million are active.[6][7] In 2013, Apple chose Duolingo as its iPhone App of the Year, the first time this honor was awarded to an educational application.[7] Duolingo won Best Education Startup at the 2014 Crunchies.[8]

  2.  Take a group to Buenos Aires (I will try very hard to make it as wonderful as last year's, but that's a tall order.)
  3.  Exercise six days a week - I'm afraid to let this one go.  It's like Weight Watchers.  If I don't share it, I will stop doing it.  This, also, will have to wait until I'm ready.
Wish me luck!




Next Thursday, January 15 -Belated birthday of Cris Grapa

Cris Grapa is a great tanguera, a great dancer, and a great friend. During the milonga, you'll find her at Fran's table or on the dance floor.  Cris is still digging out from her damage from Hurricane Sandy, but she comes to Firehouse as often as she can.  Carl will start the celebratory tango, and then you guys can all cut in.

Cris's birthday is in December, but she was far too busy, so she gets to be the first celebrant of 2015.

If heaven is anything like celebrating one's birthday at Firehouse Tango, it has a lot to recommend it. Frankly, I'd rather be at Firehouse. Thank you lovely tangueras, for a birthday memory I shall cherish. Con mucho amore,

Steve Turi

I keep saying I do not want to celebrate any more birthdays, but how many men will line up to dance with me, if not for the traditional tributes on birthdays.....oh well, you know that is not really true because our tanqueros dance with all of the ladies...

Terri Lopez

January 2015 at Firehouse Tango
January 1 - No Firehouse Tango - Happy New Year

January 8 -

We celebrate Joe Dallon

January 15 - Belated Birthday of Cris Grapa

See above

January 22 - Birthdays of Estelle Stanger and Rose Whitehill

Estelle Stanger

Estelle is one of the greatest ladies of Firehouse Tango.  We are always thrilled to see Estelle walk through the Firehouse door.  We're certain that Bert looks down at the scene with joy and approval.  Estelle won't dance, but we will sing to her with great enthusiasm.

Rose Whitehill

Rose is a great dancer and lovely lady who has been a Firehouse fan since our Firehouse # 4 days.  She has also been to Buenos Aires with us seven times.  We are thrilled to be able to celebrate her birthday.  As for the birthday dance, I'm sure that the Firehouse Tangueros will keep cutting in as long as we would let them. 

January 29 -

No celebrations, just great dancing, learning, eating, and greeting old and new friends for the start of another great year.

Good Manners at Firehouse
Please do not park in the driveway of any of the houses across the street.  The houses are now all sold and occupied.

Also, before you leave, please throw away your paper goods.


Reader's Corner
We welcome readers' contributions about Argentine Tango in general and Firehouse Tango in particular. Send your thoughts to  We welcome readers' contributions about Argentine Tango in general and Firehouse Tango in particular. Send your thoughts to

From Diane Langmuir - Pope loves Tango

A friend of mine sent me this link and thought I'd pass it on to you all.

From Elena Titova

Thank you to all my friends in Firehouse tango for making my birthday so special.Elena "And thank you and Terri for making it possible.😊Elena

Tango Tip of the week - Joe Dallon

From Fran

With Joe Dallons recent passing, we have lost one of the pillars of our Firehouse Tango community. Joe -- along with his wife Sue -- created the most vibrant Tango venue I know of anywhere from nothing more than an earnest desire to bring the music and dance they had come to love to a wider audience in New Jersey. What a great success it has been, and will continue to be, even though we've had to say farewell to one of our brightest guiding lights.

Joe was a very modest, very private man. No doubt, he would raise an eyebrow at the attention I'm about to pay to his memory. But there are just a few things I think you might want to know.

I first met Joe (and Sue), when I was teaching at a Stardust dance weekend at Kutscher's Hotel in the Catskills about eighteen years ago. They were attending my basic Tango class, and I pulled Joe out of the crowd in order to demonstrate a leader's movement technique. Although I'm certain he was quite embarrassed at being put on the spot, Joe acquitted himself with natural skill and grace in following my instructions to a tee. I remember thinking at the time: "This guy is going to be good."

As it turned out (and as we've all seen for ourselves over the years), he was very good, indeed.

Aside from his prowess as a Tango dancer, Joe enjoyed a very successful career as a University professor of biology at Ramapo College.

If you've ever been to Joe and Sue's home, you know he was a seriously proficient gardener -- the lush surroundings of their house in Ramsey are nothing short of a photographer's dream.

Joe was an expert beekeeper, which, of course, meant that Pat and I occasionally had the opportunity to taste some of the most delicious honey we've ever had.

Joe was a dedicated wine maker. Since I don't drink, I never had the opportunity to enjoy his product, but those who have tell me it was quite wonderful.

One night when Pat and I were visiting Sue and Joe at their home, we decided on the spur of the moment to sing some of songs we had all grown up with. (That's 1950's rhythm & blues and roll 'n' roll, y'all.) Joe pulled out an electric bass, handed me a Fender guitar, and said "Let's do it!" We kept our group entertained for several hours well into the wee hours of the morning. And Joe played like an absolute pro! At the time, I thought, "Where did that come from?"

It came from being a true renaissance man.

One of the indelible memories, which I'll treasure forever, is Joe in his yellow suit. That's right, folks, yellow. I think it was one of our Firehouse Halloween celebrations. Everyone dressed up for the occasion. The ambiance was electric. The costumes were magnificent. And then, suddenly, this ultra-hip, street-wise dude appears in a bright yellow pimp outfit with zoot suit trousers and an oversized, wide-brimmed hat -- not to mention a huge, beaming cat-that-swallowed-the-canary smile on his face. This mild mannered, elegant, conservative gentleman -- yes, ladies and gentlemen, Joe Dallon, as we had come to know and love him -- had been transformed before our scarcely believing eyes into SUPER PIMP!

These are a few of my thoughts about Joe Dallon, a fine man by any criterion, whom I am proud to call my friend. I will treasure his memory. I will miss him deeply. I will try my very best to emulate his uniquely admirable presence in the world.

From Pat

I am so very sad to be writing this, because it means that one of the most debonair, considerate and gentle of men has left us. Joe Dallon treated people with genuine interest and friendship. He had no agendas. When he spoke, he meant every word. He had a mischievous sense of humor, and he and I laughed at many small incidents in class over the years, sometimes with just a look or the raise of an eyebrow.

Joe had so many talents and interests. For Fran and me, a visit to Joe and Sue’s house would always hold news about a new hobby, or a spectacular new dish he was cooking for dinner. He specialized in dishes from New Orleans, where he was brought up, which for me (having been brought up in London) was always an adventure for the palate. Admittedly, I sometimes had to explain politely that a crawfish stew was not quite my cup of tea. But Joe always understood, and was never judgmental.

On the dance floor, Joe was electric. The music empowered and inspired him, whether it was Tango, Milonga, Swing or Salsa. Dancing with Joe, you just had to follow – there was no anticipating what he might do next. But what you did know was that he was always right on the beat and in the music.

I will miss our special friendly Firehouse DJ a lot. It will never be the same, but I am certain that he will be with us all every Thursday night anyway, and we can be comforted by the memories of DJ Joe that are special to each and every one of us.
Saturdays with Fran and Pat at Pearl Studios

Please join Fran and Pat for our Saturday Practica at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Avenue (between 35th and 36th Streets; 2-4pm, $10 per person. (Bringing a partner isn't necessary.) Fran and Pat will be on hand to answer any questions you may have about your dancing, and to help you with material you're working on. If you’d like a private lesson, call Fran directly at 212-662-7692, or email him at For the practice, all you have to do is arrive with $10 and your dance shoes in hand.

View Monica Paz' terrific tango Facebook posts - my pick from this week is below 


 Every day, our dear friend and teacher in Buenos Aires posts a historical tango fact of the day. These interesting and informative tidbits always include English, Spanish and Italian  information and a relevant recording. You can see all of them and listen to the recording by simply joining Monica Paz PractiMilonguero Facebook page. Below is a link to the Facebook page, where you can hear the music:


Calendario Milonguero

January 7th, 1903

 CARLOS DI SARLI is born. Pianist, director and composer. Gran jefe (lit. big boss) of danceable beauty. He hinted at his talent when he directed a sextet between 1927 and 1931 with whom he recorded forty-six themes. While conducting his own orchestra, between 1939 and 1960, he recorded about 340 themes that form a chest full of gold for dancing. Here we are listening to a tango he composed dedicated to Osvaldo Fresedo, his best teacher.

♫ MILONGUERO VIEJO. Carlos Di Sarli (1940)

Here is the Facebook link to see Monica's tango calendar:

And the following one for her latest interview (She regularly posts interviews that she does with surviving old milongueros) : 


MP Tango Interview

MPTango Presents Eduardo "El Nene" Masci at PractiMilonguero

Click on cc underneath the screen for English subtitles. 

Tango event - m¡longa - at New York City Center Feb 26 - March 1 2015

Bodies mingle and meet in the Buenos Aires dance-hall setting of m¡longa—a revelatory new take on the sensual art of tango from celebrated contemporary choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui.

The production features twelve dancers and an Argentinean tango band of five musicians.

“Simply astonishing. Has tango ever been given a fonder or more imaginative makeover?”-Mark Monahan, The Daily Telegraph, UK“

Cherkaoui’s m¡longa makes you you feel as if you’ve stumbled into a fantasy dance hall, and you’re the luckiest wallflower in town.”-Keith Watson, Metro, UK

m¡longa is presented by New York City Center in association with Sadler’s Wells.  Friends and Family Discount Code: DANCEFRIEND  This code provides 25% off all Orchestra, Grand Tier and Mezzanine inventory for all performances of m¡longa as well as the other shows in our dance series, Havana Rakatan and Ballet Flamenco Website: 

A Bailar: Dance at the Centerm¡longa    Mainstage    Feb 26 - Mar 1, 2015    Tickets start at $25

Best, Eleanor Marks

Our cancellation policy - We STILL rarely cancel

We rarely cancel!

We want to remind everyone that if the weather looks really bad, we will leave messages on our web site and phone 201-825-1570. You can also reach us on our cell phone 201-826-6602 (Sue) and 201-913-8504 (Joe). Feel free to leave a message on any of these lines. We cancel only when absolutely necessary (only about  seven or eight times in all these years - including, unfortunately, the first scheduled milonga of 2014), but please check whenever you're not sure. If there isn't any message, we're on.

During Hurricane Sandy, when we had only cell phone service, I was able to leave a message on my cell, so I guess that the best number to call is 201-826-6602.


A final thank you

The following folks helped set up, break down and clean up before and after the milonga. Without them, there would be no Firehouse Tango.

  • Tsipoyra Sartan
  • Georgina
  • Debbie Glaser
  • Ferd Ritz
  • Barbara
  • Mike Porro
  • Sydney St. James
  • Steve M
  • Elena T


And of course, without Terri Lopez, we would have to close up shop.

    A reminder that Firehouse Tango does not supply wine - Your fellow tangueros bring it. Therefore, if you drink it, please make sure to bring a bottle every so often.

    The folks below brought food and wine this week  - See above
    • Mary Pagano - Candy

    And these people brought wine
    • Fred Meyer
    • Gunilla & Emerson
    • Al & Lilian
    • Dan & GeorginaRifky Mackeenaq
    • Horatio Piccioni
    • Bob Brillo
    • Francis & Marie
    Tango in New Jersey and New York