Christmas Milonga Cancelled, New Year's Still on, January at Firehouse (The place to be on Thursday Nights) )

Published: Mon, 12/21/15

Firehouse Tango Logo
December 21, 2015 Newsletter

Message from Lucille Krasne (Christmas Milonga Cancelled)
Sad news that the Ukrainian ownership JUST NOW cancelled the Xmas Day milonga—no waitress, their bizarre and painfully disconcerting reason!!  Likely the owner would not spend the money for another staff person.  Owner had encouraged me to do this as it was a remarkable success a couple of years ago.

What tango organizers experience through the years! Appreciate us all!! 
This may be one of the more egregious acts towards a planned tango event—at least in my experience!

I hope many of you can come this Wednesday night which does go on as planned—Lexa offers Argentine Christmas cortinas (8:30-11:30), Brigitta teaches in her wondrous way (7:30), Matthew solves milonga rhythm issues brilliantly (6:30)—lucky people to experience these classes—and the free practica continues 5:30 to 7:30

Yours for a happy and healthy holiday, 
January 2016 at Firehouse Tango
December 31-January 1st - No Firehouse Tango - Happy New Year

January 7 - Birthday of Hilda Genni

My dear, dear friend, Hilda, who meets with me every week for a Spanish speaking luncheon, will celebrate her birthday at Firehouse for the first time.  Unfortunately, Rafael will be away for the event, but we will surely find some nice tanguero to start the birthday tango with Hilda.  Do not miss this. This lovely lady is a joy to know, a joy to be with, and a joy to dance with.  

January 14 - Birthdays of Erica Alberto and Cris Grapa 

Erica Alberto

Erica is a new Firehouse friend, but she is a lovely dancer and and even lovelier person.  This is her first birthday celebration at Firehouse, and I'm certain that it will be a memorable one.  

Belated Birthday of Cris Grapa

Chris Grapa is a great tanguera, a great dancer, and a great friend. She was so busy that she postponed her December birthday to January so we can all enjoy it.  During the milonga, you'll find her at Fran's table or on the dance floor.  Chris comes to Firehouse as often as she can.  Carl will start the celebratory tango, and then you guys can all cut in.

January 21 - Birthdays of Estelle Stanger and Rose Whitehill

Estelle Stanger 

Estelle is one of the greatest ladies of Firehouse Tango.  We are always thrilled to see her walk through the Firehouse door.  We're certain that Bert looks down at the scene with joy and approval.  Estelle will try to get to Firehouse on the 21st.  She won't dance, but we will sing to her with great enthusiasm.

Rose Whitehill

Rose is a great dancer and lovely lady who has been a Firehouse fan since our Firehouse # 4 days.  She has also been to Buenos Aires with us seven times.  We are thrilled to be able to celebrate her birthday.  As for the birthday dance, I'm sure that the Firehouse Tangueros will keep cutting in as long as we would let them. 

January 28

Francis and Marie Gregoire 40th anniversary celebration- 

No one enjoys parties like the Gregoires, who have been Firehouse friends since the beginning.  This year is really special, and we are honored to have them celebrate with us.  We have some very nice surprises planned for the evening.  You will be sorry if you miss it. Francis will start the birthday tango with Marie and then we lucky ladies will begin cutting in. The guys will cut in with Marie.  It will be delightful.   Oh, and we are looking forward to the mountain of huge and luscious shrimp and delicious chocolate cake that Francis and Marie bring.  They are sure to be fabulous, as always. 
Tango Loco New Year's Eve Milonga still on

Mike Porro asked me to let our Firehouse friends know that, in the spirit of Christmas, he and Al Ko have decided to extend the $30 price for Tango Loco through December 25th.  Neither Firehouse nor Tango under the Tent is hosting a Milonga on the 31st, so this is a great place in which to welcome in the new year.  .  

Many thanks and continued Holiday Blessings!

Ring in 2016 with Argentine Tango


Second New Years Milonga

To Simply Enjoy Dance & Friendship


Grand Ballroom

Authentic Argentine Tango Music provided by

DJ Al Ko

8:00 PM – 1:00 AM

December 31, 2015

Latin interlude - Salsa lesson 10:00 PM

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Light Nibbles


Champagne at Midnight

$30 before 12/25

$35 12/26 – 12/30

$40 at the door (if space is available)

Mail checks payable to “Tango Loco” to:

Michael Porro

180 Old Tappan Rd. Bldg 5, Old Tappan, NJ 07675

Grand Ballroom Dance Studio

Midland Park Shopping Center (around the back)

85 Godwin Ave, Midland Park, NJ 07432

For additional information call 201-768-0218 or email:

TANGO LOCO MILONGA is a spontaneous event that arises when the spirit moves us and

we have the opportunity to host extraordinary teachers of dance for our tango community.

On this night, our extraordinary teachers are you!