Home Made Easter Dinner by Sue at Firehouse Tango this Thursday, March 24

Published: Tue, 03/22/16

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March 22, 2016 Newsletter
Easter dinner at Firehouse this Thursday, March 24
I've been cooking up a storm for my Firehouse friends, and I invite all of you to share the goodies.  I'm making baked ham, pot roast, sweet potato souffle, egg salad, and green salad. Flo and Debbie are bringing desserts.  My mother taught me that having leftovers means that your guests did not like the food, and the thought makes me very unhappy.

Please come to dance, eat, learn, and socialize.  As always, everything is included in the $15 entrance fee. 


If heaven is anything like celebrating one’s birthday at Firehouse Tango, it has a lot to recommend it.  Frankly, I’d rather be at Firehouse.  Thank you lovely tangueras, for a birthday memory I shall cherish.  Con mucho amore,
                                                                Steve Turi

I keep saying I do not want to celebrate any more birthdays, but how many men will line up to dance with me, if not for the traditional tributes on birthdays.....oh  well, you know that is not really true because our tanqueros dance with all of the ladies...
                                                                Terri Lopez