June is a HUGE Month at Firehouse Tango

Published: Fri, 05/26/17

Firehouse Tango Logo
May 25, 2017 Newsletter

June at Firehouse Tango
Thursday, June 1- Birthday of Gay Fallows

 See below for details

Thursday, June 8 - Sue out - A team takes over - Birthday of Marie Gregoire

Birthday of Marie Gregoire

Thursday, June 8th Birthday of Marie Gregoire 

Francis and Marie have been Firehouse fans since our beginning.  They've been to Buenos Aires with us many times and are always happy to share their celebrations with us.  
Francis will start the dance with Marie, and then all you guys can cut in to tango with this awesome lady.   As always, we will celebrate Marie's birthday with many delicious goodies brought by Francis and Marie.  Don't miss it.

Sue out -

I'm off to San Francisco.  See below for details

Thursday, June 15 - Firehouse Tango 14th Anniversary Celebration - Monica Paz at Firehouse

Firehouse Tango started in 2003 and has been going strong ever since.  Amazingly, we are still here, celebrating our thirteenth anniversary. 

We are planning to add lots of extra-special delights on Thursday, June 15th.  More about that next week.

As always, admission of $15 includes dinner, lesson, dancing and socializing with some of the nicest folks around.  The event is at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 105 Grove Avenue, Maywood, NJ 07607.  For additional information call Sue at 201-826-6602

The schedule for the evening is:
7:00 - 8:00      All-level Argentine Tango lesson with Fran Chesleigh & Pat Altman   
8:00 - 10:00     Buffet opens and recorded music for dancing by DJ Sue
10:00 -            Drawings for door prizes (Really nice ones and lots of them)
10:30 - 12:00    Dancing to recorded music by DJ Sue
Admission of $15 includes dinner, lesson, dancing, and socializing with some of the nicest folks around

Thursday, June 22 - Sue out once again

This time, I'll be going to the Hamptons for a family reunion (not mine.)  Johnny will DJ and the wonderful A Team will take over.  Please support them. See below for details.

Thursday, June 29 -

Sue back.  No celebrations.  Just great dancing, eating, and socializing.  

Monica Paz - In New Jersey June 13-17  - Lessons Available 
A few openings for lessons with Monica still available

Monica Paz, our wonderful teacher and friend from Buenos Aires, will be available for limited private lessons in New Jersey from Tuesday, June 13th through Friday, June 16th.  Sign up now while the opportunity still exists.  Happily she will also join us for Firehouse Tango's fourteenth anniversary celebration on Thursday, June 15th.  Additionally, she will be at Los Pitucos Milonga in Oakland on Saturday, June 17th.  

Please call me at 201-826-6602 or e mail firehousetango@gmail.com to reserve time for lessons.  I will be happy to answer any questions that you might have. 

She will also be giving private and group lessons in New York City.  I will publish her schedule as soon as it is available.  

For registration, please contact Monica at: tangopaz@yahoo.com.ar 


About Monica 

Monica Paz was born and raised in Buenos Aires, and tango has been her full time profession for almost 20 years.  She specializes in Tango Milonguero style (with its strong chest-to-chest connection) which she loves to dance with the best old milongueros in the best milongas of Buenos Aires.  

Five years ago, Monica realized her dream of  opening her own studio in Buenos Aires (at 30 Riobamba near the Congresso.)  Monica and Osvaldo Natucci (one of the best milongueros in Buenos Aires) also teach private lessons.  If you are in Buenos Aires, I highly recommend checking out these lessons.  

Monica has taught extensively all over the United States and Europe, as well as in Australia and much of South America.   

Monica's web site with interviews of old milongueros  

Monica is passionate about preserving the traditions, codes, and history of tango.  To this end, she continues pursuing her project of interviewing the precious few remaining old milongueros of Buenos Aires.  Their stories and the videos accompanying them, as well as other wonderful videos of Monica can be found on her web site at www.mptango.com   Scroll down for English or Spanish selection. 

Monica Paz - In New York City

Hello tangueros,

I am very happy to announce my upcoming visit to NYC. This year my visit will be shorter, however I have A LOT to share with my students. After more than twenty years of dancing with the Milongueros in Buenos Aires and learning from them, I regard them as the connection between Tango in the Golden Age and nowadays. For the Milongueros and for me, Tango is more than a fashionable dance.
“I don't want to teach you just WHAT to do, but HOW to do it: this is my CHALLENGE”. If you feel ready for that, you can find me at the Astoria Tango Club or in my Master Classes and Private Lessons.

Here is the schedule of my visit:

- GUEST INSTRUCTOR at: Astoria Tango Club June 11th and 21st

-SATURDAY of MASTER CLASSES, Saturday June 24th at Champion’s Studios 

Saturday 24   

3:00 to 4:45 PM, Master Class 1:

Get the most of your dance improving your technique.

3:00 a 6:45 PM Master Class 1 & 2:

As a leader or follower, achieve how to express the music in every single movement.

Pre-registration required, first come, first served.   
Master Classes and private lessons will take place at Champion’s studios. 257 West 39th Street, 14th floor.  

-PRIVATE LESSONS:  Few spots available.

Thank you for sharing this information with your fellow tangueros and tangueras! 

Un abrazo milonguero,
Sue to DJ at Milonga on the Hudson in Edgewater
Jevgeni asked me to DJ at his great Friday night milonga in Edgewater.  This will be my first DJ venture outside of Firehouse.  Yikes! I'm a little nervous, and I need as much support as possible.  Please come on Friday, June 2nd, to enjoy this great New Jersey milonga with music that I know my friends will enjoy.   See below for information. 


You are All welcome to experience this unique Tango event on the Hudson with  Ninah Beliavsky, Jevgeni Davidov and Matthew Liam O’Toole. Join us EVERY FRIDAY! night starting at 8pm for a Pre-Milonga class followed by a Milonga and performances! Bring your friends and let’s Tango!
8.00-9.00pm: Pre-Milonga Class (All levels)
9.00pm-12.00am: Milonga
Snacks and drinks will be provided
For non-members: $14/person at the door
Members: included in your membership
No partner necessary
Students can book instructors for assistantships
For more information please call 2018868008
986 River Road, Edgewater, NJ 07020
Hudson Dance Studio in Edgewater
Hudson Dance Studio is conveniently located just minutes aways from George Washington Bridge. We are close to following points of interest:
– across from Edgewater Ferry Terminal
– across from Lukoil gas station
– across from residential white building ‘Admiral Walk’
– on the corner of River Road and Route 5
– a few blocks away from Whole Foods market
– bus 158 stops conveniently in front of the studio, bus stop is called ‘Route 5’

There is parking in front of the studio with about 25 parking spots. Another option to park is municipal parking (free after 6pm) – across from the big white residential building ‘Admiral Walk’ on River Road. You pass the studio on your left and after the intersection parking is on your right. There is parking behind the dance studio on Hudson Avenue and side streets of Hudson Avenue.


Next Thursday, June 1st - Birthday of Gay Fallows

Gay returns to Firehouse in between extensive world travels with her husband and our dear friend, Walter Monteblanco. We are thrilled to have her whenever we can. Gay has been a Firehouse friend for years, and we are always happy to celebrate with her. Walter will start the birthday dance, and then all of the Firehouse milongueros will join in.

Walter, as usual,  will bring a fabulously delicious cake and bottles of champagne that will disappear very quickly.

Last Thursday, May 26 - Birthday of Frank Reich

Frank showed us all what a terrific dancer he is.  We were absolutely delighted that he decided for the second time to celebrate his birthday at Firehouse.  The dance was awesome.  Weena started the dance, Terri cut in first (to my dismay), and I was next.  The Firehouse tangueras followed.  I hope he'll want to have his birthday celebration at Firehouse every year from now on. Frank brought a delicious birthday cake.

If heaven is anything like celebrating one’s birthday at Firehouse Tango, it has a lot to recommend it.  Frankly, I’d rather be at Firehouse.  Thank you lovely tangueras, for a birthday memory I shall cherish.  Con mucho amore,
                                                                Steve Turi

I keep saying I do not want to celebrate any more birthdays, but how many men will line up to dance with me, if not for the traditional tributes on birthdays.....oh  well, you know that is not really true because our tanqueros dance with all of the ladies...
                                                                Terri Lopez
Sue out on June 8th and 22nd - A Team takes over
June 8, Sue in San Francisco and June 22nd in the Hamptons
Twice this month, I will play hooky.  June 8th I'm passing up Firehouse for my granddaughter Amanda's high school graduation, and on the 22nd, I'll be in the Hamptons.  Fortunately, I can leave my baby (That would be Firehouse Tango) worry free because I have incredible friends who are more than willing and able to keep the Firehouse fires burning brightly. Please support our wonderful back-up team. 

The logistics - The A Team

Terri Lopez (Wonder(ful) Woman) and Steve Turi (aka Superman) have generously offered to head up our milonga logistics team in addition to their normal invaluable weekly help.  The tasks involved in running Firehouse are monumental, and we are incredibly fortunate to have so many fabulous friends willing to step in whenever needed. 

But What about the Music? Johnny Tablada DJ's

Not to worry.  While we are away, your tangos, milongas and valses will be spun by fabulous guest DJ, Johnny Tablada. Many of our tangueras have had the pleasure of dancing with Johnny, who comes to Firehouse every Thursday.  Now, you can enjoy listening to his incredible music, as well.     I promise you will not be disappointed. Johnny has an amazing and extensive knowledge of Argentine Tango. 

How about the newsletter?

This Firehouse Tango newsletter has been published nearly every week since March, 2002 and thanks to Fran and Pat, the next two weeks will be no exception. 

Among his countless talents, our remarkable instructor, Fran Chesleigh, is a professional writer.  As always when I am out, he and his equally extraordinary assistant, Pat Altman, flawlessly and with a style of their own, take over the task of writing the Firehouse Tango newsletter.  I will send his handiwork out when I return.

This awesome duo is usually found at “Fran’s Table” in the alcove closest to the DJ table.  They are always happy to answer your Tango questions or show you how to do something you might have missed, so make sure to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to learn from the best.  

Cortinas on Demand

I'm waiting for more suggestions for cortinas.  Let me know if you have some favorite non tango music, and I will try to play it. This week's cortinas were Easy Listening.

A cortina (curtain) is a short piece (20–60 seconds) of non-dance music that is played between tandas at a milonga (tango dance event). The cortina lets the dancers know that the tanda has ended. The partners can then without insult thank each other and return to their own tables, to find a new dance partner at the next tanda. Cortinas are used at many of the milongas in Argentina and Uruguay but are increasingly common elsewhere- Wikipedia

Let us know if you are celebrating an occasion and would like to request special music for that night’s cortinas.  We will try very hard to accommodate you.  ​
Reader's Corner
 We welcome readers' contributions about Argentine Tango in general and Firehouse Tango in particular. Send your thoughts to firehousetango@gmail.com  We welcome readers' contributions about Argentine Tango in general and Firehouse Tango in particular. Send your thoughts to firehousetango@gmail.com


From Gretchen Janssen

I would love to be there!  Will have to mentally imagine a dance with Walter and seeing everyone!


My Response to Gretchen


We miss you too and hope you will visit us in the near future.  I will be happy to assume (usurp)  your dance with Walter.


From Elena Syrett

Dear Sue 
You will be an awesome  DJ at Hudson Dance Studio, we cannot wait to come and dance to your music! 

Thank you, Elena.  I value all the support I can get. 
Tango Tip of the week

Hi everybody, Fran here with your Tango Tip of the Week. Last Sunday, Pat and I held our latest Tango Workshop in New York City. We called it "Put Your Tango Legs in the Spotlight." We're very happy to report that everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. If you were unfortunate enough to miss it, be sure to put us on your calendar for the next one.

As a part of these special workshop events, Pat and I always try to showcase several advanced techniques. This time, for example, we focused on gancho/enganche, planeo, amague, sentada, and lots of adornos for the ladies. Of course, you would be right to think that this seems to run counter to our usual regimen of basics, basics, basics. However, our feeling regarding our workshops is that Tango students absolutely love flashy material (and to tell you the truth we love the chance to accommodate them) -- plus this gives us a perfect opportunity to introduce certain important elements, which we believe our students will eventually need as they advance in their studies.

The difficulty with promoting so-called "advanced" techniques is that they tend to attract Tango students like moths to a flame. They glitter like fool's gold, and often result in having students take their eyes off the ball (which, of course, is to actually learn how to dance Tango). Realistically, we're well aware that many students become easily and (to be honest) permanently sidetracked by what we often refer to as "YouTube fantasies." This is why we were especially careful to begin our Workshop last Sunday by cautioning attendees to fully enjoy the menu of goodies we had prepared for them -- but to recognize strongly that the road to Tango expertise lies elsewhere. To be specific: developing solid lead/follow skills, building conscious body control during movement, and striving to achieve balance at the end of every individual step.

Our hope is that you, too, recognize the profound difference between the ego-massaging delusion of chasing hopelessly after "stage" Tango, and putting in the hard -- but ultimately rewarding -- effort of becoming a true expert in social dancing.

It's not easy to get there, but as the song says, you can do it, if you try.

Fran and Pat’s Guided Saturday Practica at Dardo Galletto

The longest-running and friendliest practica in NYC! Come join our happy group of social tango dancers, whose sole purpose is to enjoy dancing and to practice what they’re learning. Everyone dances! Essential Tango Therapy! Pat and I will be on hand to answer any questions you may have, and help you with material you’re working on. Plus you get a new “must-have” move each week! No partner required, all levels. Dardo Galletto Studios, 151 West 46th Street, 11th floor, (bet. 6th & 7th Aves) www.franchesleigh.com

If you’d like a private lesson, you can visit our website at www.franchesleigh.com, call Fran directly at 212-662-7692, or email him at franchesleigh@mac.com Join us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/franchesleighllc

May at Simply Social Dancing

Latin Night at La Havana 59
110 Moonachie Ave, Moonachie NJ 

Tuesday, May 30th
7:00 to 10:00 pm

Mostly Salsa and Argentine Tango... some Bachata, Merengue, Rumba,
& Cha Cha.
A Latin evening for those who enjoy Latin music, food, and dancing!
An Argentine Tango lesson to start (for all level dancers).

$20.00 cover includes 2 house drinks or 1 drink & 1 Latin Night

For reservations and directions:
201 964 9515


June at Simply Social Dancing

Latin Night at La Havana 59
110 Moonachie Ave, Moonachie NJ  

Tuesday, June 27th
7:00 to 10:00 pm

Mostly Salsa and Argentine Tango... some Bachata, Merengue, Rumba, & Cha Cha.
An Argentine Tango lesson to start (for all level dancers).

$20.00 cover includes 2 house drinks or 1 drink & 1 Latin Night appetizer

For reservations and directions:
Biagio's Restaurant for Dinner & Dance
299 Paramus Rd,  Paramus  NJ

Sunday, June 11th
6:00 to 9:00 pm

A mix of music for all types of partner dancing.

$35.00 for dinner and dancing (includes tip) / Cash bar
For this event, reservations are very important. 
It allows our host to prepare the room and enough food!

Our cancelation policy - We STILL rarely cancel

Even though we had to cancel once this year because of a blizzard, we still rarely cancel!

We want to remind everyone that if the weather looks really bad, we will leave messages on our web site www.firehousetango.com and my cell phone 201-826-6602. Feel free to leave a message.

We cancel only when absolutely necessary (only about eight or nine times in all these years - including, unfortunately, the Thursday that I was in Florida, but please check whenever you're not sure. If there isn't any message, we're on.

During Hurricane Sandy, when we had only cell phone service, I was able to leave a message on my cell, so I guess that the best number to call is 201-826-6602.

A final thank you

The following folks helped set up, break down and clean up before and after the milonga. Without them, there would be no Firehouse Tango.

  • Tsypoyra Sartan
  • ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Nina 
  • Steve Turi
  •  Lynn Gross
  • Herb Kahn
  • Jesse Barton
  • ​​​​​​​Steve Maisch

And of course, without Terri Lopez and Steve Turi  we would have to close up shop.


    A reminder that Firehouse Tango does not supply wine - Your fellow tangueros bring it. Therefore, if you drink it, please make sure to bring a bottle every so often.

    The folks below brought food and wine this week  - See list of Passover contributions above.  
    • Nina Grynyk - Chicken & Veggie Wraps
    • Ingrid Jacob  - Cherry Cake
    • Frank Reich - Cake

    And these people brought wine 
    • Barbara Lombardi
    • Mary Pagano
    • Henry Kim
    • Jesse Barton
    • John & Fieke Barous
    • George Ngo
    • Eduardo Campos

    Tango in New Jersey and New York