Invitation to Al Walker's Memorial and Dance

Published: Tue, 09/05/17

Firehouse Tango Logo
September 5, 2017 Newsletter
We would like to invite the friends of ALVIN WALKER to join with us in paying tribute to his life and to honor his sorrowful passing. 
LOCATION:  St. Michael's Columbian Club of Lodi
                      39 Washington Street, Lodi, NJ  07644

DATE:  Sunday, Sept. 10, 2017                                       TIME:  4:00PM

We would like to begin with his friends sharing their stories and memories of Alvin: his life, how he influenced them, how they met him, funny stories about him, touching moments, etc.  This will give us all a chance to comfort each other, grieve, laugh, cry, hug, and provide mutual support during this painful time. 

All are welcome to speak and share their personal experiences after Al’s Aunt Mary commences the memorial with a brief prayer. 

In the spirit of community, we ask that each person bring a dish of food to share--something easy that doesn't require effort.  Please feel free to contact Elizabeth Armentano via Facebook with any food-related questions. 
Please note that absolutely NO beverages can be brought into the hall, including water.  There will be a professionally staffed, fully stocked cash bar for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.

Dennis Matera has generously offered to DJ so that we may have a “Celebration of Life” dance in the hall immediately following.  Music from all the genres will be represented.  We will be able to dance till at least 8PM. There will also be a table for cards, games and Chess; this will give Al’s family and his non-dancing friends an opportunity to enjoy the music while partaking in Al’s other hobbies since he was an avid Chess fan and played cards even when he was sick. 

Dennis has also offered to put together a montage of still photographs and videos of Alvin for our viewing during the memorial and the dance.  If you have any photos or videos that we can include, please send them as suggested below:

  • Video clips of Al should be uploaded to Al Walker’s Facebook page.  If you are not on Facebook, please email videos to Dennis Matera at   If you have any video-related questions, please contact Monica Zarate via Facebook. 

Photographs and videos will all be forwarded to Dennis.  Kindly send them as soon as possible so he has ample time to work on this project.  Also, if anyone would like to volunteer to video the event as a keepsake for Al’s family, or has any questions regarding the memorial, please feel free to contact Amy Hof. 

The family has suggested that in lieu of flowers, charitable donations can be made in Al’s memory.  His family has recommended contributions to The American Cancer Society or to a dance scholarship program through Ramapo College, which was Al’s Alma Mater. A donation box for The American Cancer Society will also be set up at the hall on Sunday.

As a final note, Al’s favorite color was purple.  To acknowledge our unity and our beloved friend’s favorite color, we encourage you to wear something purple or black that day.

Thank you for your patience while we have been dealing with this tremendous and heartbreaking loss.  We are extremely touched by the outpouring of sympathy.  We look forward to this opportunity to preserve Al’s memory with all of you in the most respectful and fitting way: with friends, family, music, dance, and love.