Firehouse Tango - Halloween Milonga Next Thursday, October 25th

Published: Fri, 10/20/17

Firehouse Tango Logo
October 19, 2017 Newsletter

Next Thursday Fifteenth annual Firehouse Tango Halloween Milonga on Thursday, October 26th 
Our Halloween (always one of the highlights of our year) party features:

  • Door prizes
  • Parade of the Firehouse Tan-ghost and Tan-goblins
  • Awards for best couple, most creative, funniest and sexiest costumes
  • ​Extra time to dance and celebrate.  We'll go till 11:45.  
  • Tango/Milonga lessons by Fran Chesleigh and Pat Altman
  • Buffet dinner
  • Milonga

Join us  on Thursday, October 26th for our fifteenth annual Firehouse Halloween Milonga (Basic tango lessons from 7:00 to 7:30, and milonga lessons from 7:30 - 8:30.)

If you don't have a costume, don't let it keep you away, but come, dance and cheer for your friends. Costumed or not, expect a great evening. In addition to awards for the most creative, best couple, funniest and sexiest costumes, we've got some great door prizes (costume not required to be eligible.) 

Of course, also included in the low price of only $15 are lessons taught by Fran Chesleigh; a buffet dinner; and dancing and socializing with the fabulous Firehouse tangueros.  
Next Thursday, October 26th, special lesson in milonga
Join Pat and Fran for a two-week-long exploration of milonga. On October 19th and 26th, we’ll be devoting our intermediate class to the fundamentals of this exciting, up-tempo dance. As in the past, these lessons will be cumulative with each session building on the one before. So plan to be with us for both weeks. Get to the Firehouse early, and don’t miss a moment of this outstanding, celebration of one of Argentina’s great dance traditions.

Congratulations to Diane Langmuir 
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Congratulations to Diane Langmuir on becoming a grandma.
It's a boy!
Cy Langmuir Phillips
Born October 11, 2017  at 2:15 pm
7 lbs 1 oz
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​No celebrations next week.  Just great dancing, eating, learning, and socializing.

 Walter Milani

Our dear friend Walter Milani, who  just returned from an extended trip abroad with the touring version of Sister Act, will be leaving again for show tours in Japan and Korea.  To mark his last week, Nancy Gerardi made a huge tray of eggplant and two flans and started the celebratory tango before we all cut in.

Once again, we will miss Walter terribly.  By the way, Nancy  and Walter met a year ago at Firehouse. 

If heaven is anything like celebrating one’s birthday at Firehouse Tango, it has a lot to recommend it.  Frankly, I’d rather be at Firehouse.  Thank you lovely tangueras, for a birthday memory I shall cherish.  Con mucho amore,
                                                                Steve Turi

I keep saying I do not want to celebrate any more birthdays, but how many men will line up to dance with me, if not for the traditional tributes on birthdays.....oh  well, you know that is not really true because our tanqueros dance with all of the ladies...
                                                                Terri Lopez
Recognition of Terri Lopez - November 12, 2017

I hope you and many others will share this well earned recognition with Terri.

Tony Mele (Terri's son)

This coming veterans day weekend -  November 12th, 2017:

The 65th Infantry Honor Task Force Committee has nominated Ms. Terri Lopez Beauchamp for the "St. Joan of Arc" medallion award in recognition of her unwavering support, guidance, and fidelity to the mission of honoring our forgotten heroes.  

"For selfless devotion, unwavering faith, indomitable spirit and inspiration to others. Her countless deeds of quiet contributions to our mission, without a wit of expectation for reward, embody the virtues and the character of the lady-warrior. In keeping with this ancient tradition and code of chivalry,  Ms. Terri Lopez-Beauchamp is presented with the "St. Joan of Arc Award" reflecting great credit upon herself, her community, and the 65th Infantry Honor Task Force."


 ST. JOAN OF ARC MEDAL will be a vintage mint medallion. Each one are unique in style.  It is presented as the symbolic embodiment of the lady warrior who led the entire French Army through the power of consuming inspiration and pure divine faith against unbeatable resistance.  

It is a noble token stemming back from ancient Spartan women warrior tradition into medieval times from the Knights to the ladies of the realm who offered generosity through philanthropy, inspired an indomitable will to accomplish the mission, and gentle encouragement over every obstacle and challenge. 

It is a symbol of undying loyalty and unwavering faith that even commands angelic forces against all enemies in times of righteous battle.   

Cortinas on Demand

I'm waiting for more suggestions for cortinas.  Let me know if you have some favorite non tango music, and I will try to play it. Last week, I played cortinas by The Grateful Dead (thanks to Daniel and Georgina for the suggestion and the CD's).  

A cortina (curtain) is a short piece (20–60 seconds) of non-dance music that is played between tandas at a milonga (tango dance event). The cortina lets the dancers know that the tanda has ended. The partners can then without insult thank each other and return to their own tables, to find a new dance partner at the next tanda. Cortinas are used at many of the milongas in Argentina and Uruguay but are increasingly common elsewhere- Wikipedia

Let us know if you are celebrating an occasion and would like to request special music for that night’s cortinas.  We will try very hard to accommodate you.  ​
Reader's Corner
 We welcome readers' contributions about Argentine Tango in general and Firehouse Tango in particular. Send your thoughts to  We welcome readers' contributions about Argentine Tango in general and Firehouse Tango in particular. Send your thoughts to


From Elsa Venticinque (We send Elsa our sympathy and look forward to her return)

Dear Susan,
It is with much sadness to tell you that my beloved sister Mariela
from Florida passed way on Monday October 16Th. Many friends at the
Firehouse Tango heard me talking and always asked me about her long
battle with Pancreatic cancer.
I will rejoin our Firehouse Tango as soon as I feel stronger to
celebrate with all of you again.
Best regards

Tango Tip of the week

Hi everyone, Fran here with your Tango Tip of the Week. Have you been studying Tango for a year or more, and you wish you could start improving more quickly? Even if you’ve been taking dance lessons on a regular basis, by this time you may have come to believe that real improvement is just never going to happen.

Sound familiar? Well, you’re not alone. Learning anything at all can be a very difficult task, (especially as we get older — sorry about that). And learning Argentine Tango can often feel like nothing short of an insurmountable challenge. With that in mind, I’d like to offer two ideas, which might help you in your quest to get better faster. The first will suggest an alternative approach to your studies; the second (which we’ll actually talk about next week) will involve taking a vacation.

Okay, here we go with your Tango lessons.

By the way: if you’re NOT taking regular lessons, you might as well save yourself the trouble of reading the rest of this Tango Tip. Take a deep breath, and face the fact that you’re NOT serious about learning Tango. That’s no biggie. Just start considering other options. Binge eating, all-night TV marathons, parcheesi — you’ve got lots of exciting possibilities available to you for endless thrills and chills.

Now, back to serious people who are committed to taking dance lessons. Here’s the deal. Your teacher introduces a concept — let’s say, executing a single, integrated, balanced step forward. What??? Taking a step forward? “C’mon, anybody can do that,” you snort. “Let’s get to the good stuff.”

Beeeeeep! You have just failed the learning process test. The two evil dragons of impatience and arrogance have made it impossible for you to move forward in your Tango studies. Don’t worry. Parcheesi can really be fun, if you apply yourself.

All right, let’s start again. Your teacher lays the forward step concept on you. You roll your eyes. But you’ve decided to trust that the teacher has a purpose in proposing this apparently innocuous, consummately trifling task. You do what the teacher asks. After maybe a few unsuccessful attempts, it works.  IT WORKS! The teacher smiles, awards you a gold star, and exclaims, “Okay, let’s move ahead.”

No beep. You have now passed the learning process test. You have allowed a crucial, foundational increment of the process to find its way into your system, into your muscle memory, into your life. Secretly, you wish such step-by-arduous-step drudgery was not necessary; but you have come to recognize that you absolutely need this (yes, I know, I know) mind-numbing torture in order to eventually reach the promised land.

You sigh; you swear off YouTube; you reluctantly accede to suffering the endless rigors of the no-kidding-around learning process. And what happens? You begin to learn stuff. Whoa! I mean, you find out that the process actually works. Look, ma, I got this!

Meanwhile, others around you (lots and lots of them) have eschewed all this mishegas. They have cut to the chase. And the result? Well, what do you know — it seems they can’t dance. Check these lost, misguided souls out. They can’t dance! Not now, not ever. They will continually be caught in the vortex of beeeeeeeeep! And until they figure out how to escape this hell-on-earth standstill dead end (reread the above epiphany about the process), nothing will change.

Nothing will change.

But not you, my friend. You’re in the process. You’re convinced. Nirvana is within touching and tasting range. And trust me, you will learn how to dance Tango.

Next week, we’ll talk about taking that well-earned vacation.

Saturdays with Fran and Pat at Dardo Galletto Studios

Please join us for our Saturday Practica at Dardo Galletto Studios, 151 West 46th Street (between 6th and 7th Avenues), 11th floor; 2-4pm, $10 per person. (Bringing a partner isn't necessary.) Pat and I will both be on hand to answer any questions you may have about your dancing, and to help you with material you're working on. Plus you get a new “must-have” tango move each week! If you’d like a private lesson, you can visit our website at, call Fran directly at 212-662-7692, or email him at Join us on Facebook at

Next week, more milonga at the Firehouse
Join Pat and Fran next week, October 26, for our second week of milonga. We’ll be devoting our entire intermediate class to this exciting, up-tempo dance. Get to the Firehouse early, and don’t miss a moment of this outstanding, celebration of one of Argentina’s great dance traditions.
Fran and Pat’s traspie workshop on November 5!


Put some MAGIC in your steps


The date:  Sunday, November 5, 2017

The time:  12:30 -- 3:30 p.m.

The place: Pearl Studios

                    519 Eighth Avenue (between 35th and 36th Streets)

                    12th Floor, Room F

Be sure not to miss this information-packed 3-hour intensive workshop, where you’ll discover virtually everything you need to know about the unique art of TRASPIE!

•    Unlock the three basic secrets of creating authentic traspie sequences

•    Build a powerful traspie vocabulary

•    Learn exactly how to lead/follow any traspie — no matter how complex

•    Take your Tango/Milonga/Vals closer to the way they’re danced in Buenos Aires

Register online: $40 per person at by Saturday, November 4.

     $45 per person at the door on Sunday, November 5.

Checks and cash accepted. No refunds. No exchanges.

Events in October
Los Pitucos Milonga this Saturday, October 21

   A little bit of Buenos Aires in Oakland, NJ 
Please join us for another great Milonga on
Saturday, October 21st, 2017
Special guest teachers and performers -
Carolina Jaurena & Andres Bravo

Andres & Carolina are one of the best known Tango performing couples and Instructors in
the New York City area.
Expect a great Tango performance...
More information about them at
Pre Milonga Workshop At 7:00pm
Social dancing will start at 8:00pm

Couples, singles and beginners welcome! No partner necessary.
Admission $15, including the workshop and home cooked "delight"
65 Oak Street
 Oakland, NJ 07436                
For directions click here
Los Pitucos Milonga brings the best of Argentine Tango to Northern
 New Jersey.
Experience the finest of Buenos Aires at our Saturday night
 Milonga at the American Legion.
Los Pitucos is a Monthly event which is held on the Third Saturday
 of the month...

Find yourself engulfed in the spirit of Buenos Aires, circa 1940.
  Mingle with other delightful Tango dancers.
Allow the romance of the period music to move you.

Your evening's hosts "El Tordo" and "El Zurdo" are dedicated to
 an authentic and enjoyable Tango
experience.  Our DJ (and instructor only Milonga to offer gourmet
 food, prepared fresh,
by our chef "El Tordo".  Chef Tordo takes pride in creating a new
 dish for every event.

We have been bringing the finest Tango events and music to New
 Jersey since
Simply Social Dancing - October

Latin Night at La Havana 59

Tuesday, October 24th
7:00 to 10:00 pm

Mostly Salsa and Argentine Tango... some Bachata, Merengue, Rumba, & Cha Cha.
A Latin evening for those who enjoy Latin music, food, and dancing!
An Argentine Tango lesson to start (for all level dancers).

$20.00 cover includes 2 house drinks or 1 drink & 1 Latin Night appetizer

For reservations and directions:

Nelson and Madalyn Milonga in Astoria

Greetings Tango Amigos,

On Friday Night, October 27th,   8:30 PM to Midnight
  Please join us for our next Milonga 
TANGO ARGENTINO de Madalyn & Nelson Avila 
    at our Tango Home in Astoria 

Cover $12 
Call Madalyn to reserve your table
   HOME Restaurant and Lounge
28-49 Steinway Street, Second Floor  
   Astoria NY 11103

          Complimentary Classes:
           Beginner 7:30 to 8:00
  Intermediate /Advanced 8:00 to 8:30

Great Floor, Amazing Lounge, Fine Food,
& Nelson’s Wonderful Music!


Our cancelation policy - We STILL rarely cancel

Even though we had to cancel once last year because of a blizzard, we still rarely cancel!

We want to remind everyone that if the weather looks really bad, we will leave messages on our web site and my cell phone 201-826-6602. Feel free to leave a message.

We cancel only when absolutely necessary (only about eight or nine times in all these years - including, unfortunately, the Thursday that I was in Florida, but please check whenever you're not sure. If there isn't any message, we're on.

During Hurricane Sandy, when we had only cell phone service, I was able to leave a message on my cell, so I guess that the best number to call is 201-826-6602.

A final thank you

The following folks helped set up, break down and clean up before and after the milonga. Without them, there would be no Firehouse Tango.

  • Steve Turi
  • Lynn Gross
  • Tsipoyra Sartan
  • Jesse Barton
  • ​​​​​​​Rafael and Hilda
  • Steve Maisch

And of course, without Terri Lopez and Steve Turi  we would have to close up shop.


    A reminder that Firehouse Tango does not supply wine - Your fellow tangueros bring it. Therefore, if you drink it, please make sure to bring a bottle every so often.

    The folks below brought food and wine this week  -
    • Henry Kim - Danish Cookies
    • Hilda Genni - Two Flans
    • Ingrid Jacob - Apple Cake
    • Nancy Gerardi - Food (large tray of home made eggplant) & Dessert (Two flans)
    Not surprisingly, all four of the delicious flans completely disappeared.
    And these people brought wine 
    • ​​​​​​​Barbara Lombardi
    • Fred Meyer
    • Bill Auer
    • George Ngo
    • Bob Brillo
    • Nancy Gerardi

    Tango in New Jersey and New York