Firehouse Tango will celebrate all the holidays on Thursday, December 13th.
As usual, expect wonderful friends, door prizes, food, and dancing; but dress for a party. Holiday cortinas and the decorated hall will set the mood, and we'll give you an extra half hour to celebrate. Keep your eyes open for the yearly visit from Santa. I heard that he will travel all the way from Colorado to join us.
As always, our $15 admission charge will also include beginner (7 - 7:30) and intermediate (7:30 - 8:30) lessons taught by Fran Chesleigh and buffet dinner.
Bring a dish to the Holiday Milonga on December 13th
Here are the contributions so far for our holiday milonga. Please let us know if you would like to bring something:
- Sue Dallon - Brisket with potatoes, carrots, string beans, Turkey
- Mike Porro and Debbie Kim - Their traditional huge and delicious salad
- Georgina Blitzer - Something good
- Flo Salierno - Dessert
- Ingrid Jacob - Tiramisu
- Steve Maisch - Home baked holiday breads
If you would like to make something for the Christmas/Hanukah/New Years milonga, please let me know. It doesn't even have to be home made.