Published: Tue, 11/05/19
November 5th ,2019 TERRI's FIREHOUSE TANGO-MILONGA II MESSAGE: 11/5/2019 Hello Everyone!: If you are like me who forgets why I walked into the room,…
Published: Sun, 11/03/19
November 3, 2019 Our 17th Kick-Off Milonga "Debut" was a packed house and one "hecuva" Halloween party thanks to all of you. We had a blast. See the…
Published: Tue, 10/29/19
October 29 ,2019 FIREHOUSE TANGO-MILONGA II MESSAGE FROM TERRI: 10/29/2019 Hello Everyone!: If you are like me who forgets why I walked into the room,…
Published: Sun, 10/27/19
October 26, 2019 Our continuing series of "debuts" remain the place you want to be every Thursday night. Our 16th Kick-Off Milonga "Debut" was…
Published: Tue, 10/22/19
October 22 ,2019 FIREHOUSE TANGO-MILONGA II MESSAGE FROM TERRI: 10/22/2019 Hello Everyone!: If you are like me who forgets why I walked into the room,…
Published: Sun, 10/20/19
October 19, 2019 Our 15th consecutive Kick-Off Milonga "Debut" was a packed house. Wall to wall beautiful people that decided here is where they…
Published: Mon, 10/14/19
October 14, 2019 FIREHOUSE TANGO-MILONGA II MESSAGE FROM TERRI: 10/14/2019 Hello Everyone!: If you are like me who forgets why I walked into the room,…
Published: Sat, 10/12/19
October 10, 2019 Our 14th Kick-Off Milonga "Debut" was fun and fabulous because you decided here is where you want to be and the people you want to be…
Published: Wed, 10/09/19
October 9, 2019 FIREHOUSE TANGO-MILONGA II MESSAGE FROM TERRI: 10/9/2019 Hello Everyone!: If you are like me who forgets why I walked into the room,…
Published: Tue, 10/08/19
October 7, 2019 Our 13th Kick-Off Milonga "Debut" was fun and fabulous because you decided here is where you want to be and the people you want to be…